Town Hall Check town web site for current business hours. Introducing the Allenstown Web-Based Tax Map ApplicationAn online tax map of Allenstown is available at this web address:
This is a cloud-based Software As a Service (SAAS) solution from CAI Technologies, a Littleton, NH company that provides Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and precision mapping for cities and towns. The CAI solution is based on state-of-the art Esri ArcGIS Server technology, developed by Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (Esri) of Redlands, California. For example, go to and click on the Our Clients link. You will see Laconia as one of their clients. This solution provides an extremely detailed, interactive, web-based tax map of all properties in the town. The service was contracted a few years ago to reduce the hours needed by the Assessing Dept. to look up property details for phone callers. The service costs $1800/yr. See the May 16, 2016 BOS minutes, page 6, for details. Understanding the Map ToolbarsHorizontal and vertical toolbars on the right side of the map window provide several useful functions. Let the cursor hover over a tool to display a popup text description of that tool.
The tools act like toggle switches: click once to turn the tool on (it turns dark blue), click on the tool again to turn it off (it turns light blue). Familiarize yourself with the following map tools and then use the procedure in a later section to get some hands-on experience. Note: Hover over a crimson-colored, underlined link to view help text for a technical term. For mobile device users, press the link to jump to the Glossary of Terms. Horizontal Toolbar
Some drawing tools like Line and Polygon expect you to click once, move the cursor, and click again. Other tools like Rectangle and Circle expect you to click and drag to create the shape. The Text tool opens a small rectangle. Click inside it, type some text, and press Enter to finish. If a shape gets out of control, click on Cancel to erase it. To revise a shape, click on Edit (the cursor becomes a pencil) and then click on the shape to display its round and square handles. Click and drag any handle to revise the shape. It's not clear how to delete a shape. If you right click on a handle, a Delete button appears, but it only deletes that one handle. You may have to use the Clear button to erase all shapes.
For an area, after selecting that tool, each click defines a vertex or corner of the area. Double click to complete the area. For a line, click on the starting point and double click on the ending point. For a location, click once on the desired location.
With this basemap, you can figure out if your property is above the 100-year flood plain. The default map appears to be Esri Streets.
On the Parcel Panel, click on the CAI Property Card link to display a printable data sheet for the property. Click on the Assessment tab under the photo to display dozens of details about the property, such as owner's name and address, acreage, tax assessment, and date of sale.
Vertical ToolbarPlus (+) - This tool zooms in (that is, enlarges map features). Minus (-) - This tool zooms out (that is, gives a wider view of the map). Zoom to my location - When viewing the tax map from a GPS-enabled device, use this tool to center the map on your current geographic location. Zoom to full extent - This tool resets the map to display the entire town. This is one of many saved extents. Zoom to next extent - As you move around the map, and zoom in and out, each of those views of the map is saved as an extent in a viewing history for this session. This tool moves forward through the viewing history until you reach the last view. Zoom to previous extent- After you have moved around the map several times, use this tool to move backward to previous views until you reach the first one, which is the map of the entire town. Zoom to box - After selecting this tool, you can draw a rectangle around the map area to be enlarged. Pan the map - This tool resets the cursor so you can click and drag the map. Street view - This tool displays a wide-angle photo of the property at street level. Sometimes you need to use the arrows or click and drag to find the house or building. If the top of the photo panel is out of reach, click on Reset the map to close it. You can also click and drag the map to reveal the top of the panel. Bird's eye view - Displays an aerial view of the region. You can then zoom in or out using the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons to zoom in and out, as well as click and drag the photo. Click on the maximize control at upper right to enlarge the viewing window. Print current map - This tool prints the current view of the map.
To exit the map, click on the browser's Home button.
Using the Search Function
Click on the property of interest and a Parcel Panel opens, containing a photo, tabs labeled Document & Links and Assessment, and a CAI Property Card link. The map zooms to the property and a graphic rubber band connects the panel to the property. To obtain a less crowded view, click on the left arrow to the left of the Parcel Panel. This button retracts the Search Panel. You can now explore details about the property.
Finding Information About a PropertyYou can learn a great many details about any property in town and even display a photo from the street level or a wide-angle photo taken from a high above. The first property you might check on is your own. You may discover details you did not know about, or you might learn details that are incorrect. The details may state four bedrooms when you know there are only three. Reporting such an error may lower your taxes. You can also learn about your neighbors on your street - their names, when they bought the property, and whether they even reside there. You can even learn details about that fine-looking house for sale down the street the one you might like to buy. The following procedure offers an introduction to the basic operations needed to find details about a particular property. Procedure: Note: When the tax map initially displays, the AxisGIS Overview Tour panel may open. You can click on Next to go through some basic instructions or click on Close to dismiss it.
Now that you have completed this introductory procedure, explore some of the other tools and features. With the links on the top right of this web page, you can even explore properties in Hooksett or Pembroke. For more information about other map features, click on the Help link at the bottom of the map window. This leads to an online manual in PDF format. Glossary of TermsClick and drag a shape Hold down the left mouse button and slide the mouse in the desired direction. Release the button to finish the shape, then repeat this technique to create another shape. Extents Extents consist of a location centered on the map and a zoom or magnification factor that defines the actual area that displays within the window boundaries. Click and drag the map Hold down the left mouse button and slide the mouse in one direction. This moves the selected map location in that direction. For example, moving the map to the left brings property on the right side into the window.