Position |
Candidates |
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Comments |
Town Treasurer (1 year) (vote for 1) |
Karen Andersen (I)
Comment Karen Andersen Current Treasurer running for re-election.
Selectman (3 years) (vote for 2) |
Sandy McKenney (I)
Keith Klawes
Comment Sandy McKenney I am running for a 3-year term for the Board of Selectmen because I, along with the present selectmen, have seen Allenstown grow in many different directions. The EDC has certainly been the main factor for many new developments coming to Allenstown. Allenstown's department heads and employees have worked together to make Allenstown the HOME it is today. I hope to continue to work with the new five member Select Board, departments heads, employees, and the residents of Allenstown to keep us moving forward. I hope you can support me.
Comment Keith Klawes I decided to run for selectman as the time is right! I enjoy being an active member of the Town sitting on the budget committee for 7 years (chair 5) and the Zoning Board for about 4 years (chair 2). I have enjoyed working with the Departments and Administrators to properly fund each department for their needs and coming up with ways to support them. It is not always about saving money today, it is about long term vision and controlling costs over time. Prepare for today and plan for tomorrow. I feel that my experience on the various Boards has given me a true incite to helping the Town prepare for tomorrow while taking care of today's needs.
Selectman (1 year) (vote for 1) |
James Rodger
Jeff Venegas ***Write-in***
Comment James Rodger Write in Jeff Venegas' name instead. It seems to be too dangerous to allow one person to hold a top office in two major governing bodies of this town (Sewer Commission and Select Board). Mr. Rodger is running for re-election to the Sewer Commission, which is fine and we wish him well. But to also run for Selectman could be seen as setting up a conflict of interest, which is totally undesirable in our town.
Comment Jeff Venegas Mr. Venegas has distinguished himself on the Budget Committee, the Economic Development Committee, and as a Library Trustee. He is deemed to be the better choice for Selectman.
Sewer Commissioner (1 year) (vote for 1) |
Dave Bouffard
Robin Richards (I)
Comment Dave Bouffard Dave works for the Highway Dept. and often works on road projects in cooperation with the Sewer Dept.
Comment Robin Richards Appointed in December 2020 as an interim Commissioner.
Sewer Commissioner (3 years) (vote for 1) |
Jim Rodger (I)
Comment Jim Rodger Current Commissioner since 2018.
Trustee of Trust Funds (3 years) (vote for 1) |
Richard Caruso
Comment Richard Caruso First time candidate
Trustee of Cemeteries (3 years) (vote for 1) |
Richard Caruso
Comment Ricahrd Caruso First time candidate
Budget Committee (3 years) (vote for 4) |
Melaine Boisvert (I)
Carol Angowski (I)
Scott Lessard
Comment Melaine Boisvert Current committee member; active on the school construction committee.
Comment Carol Angowski Current committee member.
Comment Scott Lessard First time candidate.
Library Trustee (3 years) (vote for 1) |
Jeff Venegas
Comment Jeff Venegas Current Library Trustee.
Supervisor of the Checklist (3 years) (vote for 1) |
Eveylyn Bouffard
Comment Eveylyn Bouffard First time candidate.