Summer Concert Wrapup
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Town Hall
16 School St.
Allenstown, NH

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A Great Day for a Concert

August 17, 2019

Photos by Sandy McKenney

A warm, party cloudy day greeted performers and concert goers on Sunday August 4th. The Crazy Steve Band arrived about 2 p.m. to set up their equipment. The Nobody Band arrived a little later. A pleasant surprise was finding that the gazebo on the left side of Town Hall had been wired for electricity, making it easy for the musicians to plug in and test their sound equipment.

The Fire Department folks arrived around 3 p.m. and set up canopies, tables, cooking grills, and an electric cooler behind the REO Speedwagon's garage. We were able to open the garage so they could plug in their food cooler. About a dozen people supported the food concession.

Fire Department Food Concession
Fire Dept Food Concession


Visitors both old and young started arriving well before show time and set up their folding chairs under some of the trees on the front lawn and along the shady side of the lawn. Other people stood on the lawn chatting, while some spread blankets on the grass.

Attendees on the lawn
Attendees on the lawn


Right around 4 p.m., Crazy Steve signaled that they were ready to start. EDC Chairman Mike Frascinella welcomed the audience, informed the people that the concert was made possible through the dedicated efforts of the members of the Allenstown Economic Development Committee (EDC), and hoped that everyone would enjoy the music.

Crazy Steve Band
Crazy Steve Band


While the Crazy Steve Band performed numerous lively tunes, there was a steady flow of customers to the food concession. After the concert, Fire Chief Paul St. Germain remarked that they did very well and would be willing to support a future concert.

People at the food concession
People at the food concession


Several town officials joined in the festivities. This included Selectman Maureen Higham, husband Lee Higham, and their daughter.

Lee and Maureen Higham
Lee and Maureen Higham


Encouraged by the good turnout and good weather were Town Administrator, Derik Goodine, EDC Chairman, Mike Frascinella, and EDC member, Jeff Venegas.

Derik, Mike, and Jeff
Derik, Mike, and Jeff


After a short break, the Nobody Band, featuring guitarist and Library Trustee Mike McGeehan, took over and played some great rock music until a little after 4:00. Nearly everyone stayed until the very end.

The Nobody Band
The Nobody Band


An Unplanned Surprise

One serendipitous incident happened during the second band's performance. A young woman approached the EDC Chairman and asked if the band could wish a "Happy Birthday" to her father, John, who was enjoying the concert from his home across the street. After calling out to identify the "birthday boy," Mike McGeehan led the audience in a rousing chorus of "Happy Birthday to You" after which everyone cheered and applauded.

What You Can Do

Send your notes of appreciation by e-mail or in person to the town clerk who will be sure to pass them on the the EDC. And keep an eye on the town web site news. We may be planning another event to bring people out to enjoy a good time together.

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