A Dedication Ceremony for a Dedicated Member of Our Community
Dateline: Feb. 25, 2025
It was almost a year to the day that dozens of residents gathered on a crisp winter day on the snow swept Rail Trail off Ferry St. They came on Saturday February 22, 2025 to dedicate a fine park bench in memory of former Select Board member Sandy McKenney who passed away on February 21, 2024 after a brief illness.
The hardy group trudged through the snow to a location just beyond the first bridge where the Highway Department had installed the park bench. It was there that they gathered and reminisced about their friend, neighbor, co-worker, and family member. They took turns expressing their cherished memories of their experiences of Sandy. She touched many lives due to her decades of service to the town. She was a dedicated official who must have served on just about every town board and committee.
The walk to the bench was made easier thanks to the Highway Department plowing the path for the ceremony.
Selectman Scott McDonald spoke of his years working with Sandy and expressed this wish. "May this bench in Sandy McKenney's memory bring peace and solace to all who pass by."
Diane Adinolfo (pink coat at right) offered memories of Sandy.
As the afternoon sunlight shone down on the group, Claudette Verville of the Historical Society (center) mentioned Sandy's longtime interest in the town's history.
Selectman Kathleen Pelissier recalled the times she had worked with Sandy on the Select Board and previously as Town Clerk.
Sandy's son, Robert, listens to the speakers.
Sandy's son, Raymond, watches as others speak about Sandy.
After Sandy's sons offered their heartfelt recollections of their mom, the McKenney family gathered around the park bench for a portrait.
Selectman Scott McDonald quietly reviews memories of Sandy while holding onto the bench dedicated to her memory.
The park bench bears this simple inscription:
In Loving Memory of
Sandra McKenney
What You Can Do
On the next sunny day when you have some time for a short walk, go down to the Rail Trail and walk until you reach Sandy's bench. Sit down and think about how you might emulate a life well lived.
Note: Photos courtesy of Ron Adinolfo