Board of Selectmen 16 School St. Allenstown, NH 603-485-4276
Check town web site for current business hours.
BOS Meeting Highlights
BOS meeting minutes are one way to learn how the selectmen are handling town affairs. This page offers an archive of highlights of BOS meetings held in 2017. Be sure to read the official 2017 BOS minutes to see how exciting or dull the actual meeting was.
NOTE: Due to the poor acoustics of the meeting room, many of the discussions were difficult to hear clearly. Consult the official minutes to get more details.
BOS Meeting on Dec. 28, 2017
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments - none
- Tax Exemption Warrant Article - Members of the Economic Development Committee discussed the revised warrant article for property tax exemptions for industrial and commercial projects. The BOS recommended it for the town warrant. Two amendments in the Zoning Ordinances Definitions section will need to be approved by the Planning Board.
- 2017 Encumbrances - The BOS agreed to set aside $21,000 for projects at the Community Center and Town Hall.
- 2017 Audit Questionnaire - The BOS read and answered the audit questions.
- Dedication for Town Report - Sandy McKenney recommended that Larry Anderson and Jerry McKenney be the subjects of the dedication.
- Trust Funds Trustee - The BOS appointed Rich Caruso (husband of Patricia Caruso, Administrative Assistant).
- Health Trust Agreement - The BOS approved the documents and authorized the town administrator (TA) to complete them.
- Grant for Boat Landing - The application must be submitted by Jan. 26 to the NH Dept. of Parks. The funding source is a federal tax on offshore oil drilling. Allenstown is on the short list for the grant. The grant amount will be for half the project cost but it needs to be approved by a federal agency, which means it may not be decided until the end of 2018.
- Community Center Damages - The BOS authorized the TA to work with the insurance company to repair water damages at the center.
- HB 1749 - Mention was made of a House bill that seeks to prohibit local governments from enacting any regulation of the use of firearms, ammunition, and knives. Reference is made to existing RSA 159:26.
- Minutes - Approved several December meeting minutes.
- The meeting then went into a non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Dec. 11, 2017
Agenda and related documents on town web site
All selectmen were present.
- Citizen's Comments - None
- Possible Town Administrator (TA) replacement - The BOS discussed the possible need to replace the TA, who is one of the finalists for a city manager's position in Lebanon, NH. There is no firm last day for the TA.
The TA suggested these options: hire internally or locally, or hire a contractor from MRI at $95/hr for 2-3 days/week. The TA said towns are finding it very hard to find qualified people. The BOS decided that when the time comes to look for local talent while engaging MRI to find candidates and perform background checks.
- The meeting then went into one non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Dec. 4, 2017
Agenda and related documents on town web site
Selectman Tardiff was absent.
BOS Meeting on Nov. 20, 2017
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments - None
- Police Dept. applicant - The BOS considered appointment of an applicant as a police officer.
- Comcast renewal - Discussed process for the Comcast franchise renewal.
- Suncook Village Commission - Discussed whether to extend the time period for the Suncook Village Commission to complete its duties. The commission was supposed to have submitted its report on planning and zoning recommendations by Nov. 1st.
- Computer tablets for the Police Dept. - Discussed the proposed purchase order for tablets for the police department.
- State grant for computer tablets - Discussed whether to accept the $5,000 grant from the NH Highway Traffic Safety Agency for computer tablets for the police department.
- The meeting then went into three non-public sessions.
BOS Meeting on Nov. 6, 2017
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments -
- 2018 Budget Presentations - Reviewed the Sewer Dept. budget, three warrant articles for capital reserve funds, and approved the final town budget to be recommended to the Budget Committee.
The Sewer Dept. budget showed an increase of 2.5%, from $2,192,252.00 for 2017 to $2,246,561.81 for 2018. Rate payers should be demanding level funding instead of accepting a possible increase in the sewer rate.
The warrant articles were for the Fire Safety Equipment ($23,250), Library Capital ($6,817), and Public Safety Facilities ($50,000) Capital Reserve Funds. All these amounts will come from tax money left over at the end of the year.
The town budgets (excluding the sewer dept.) show a 2% increase. Residents who were hit with a tax increase in their latest tax bills should be demanding a 0% increase.
- The meeting then went into two non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Oct. 30, 2017
Agenda and related documents on town web site
BOS Meeting on Oct. 23, 2017
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments -
- Wetlands permit for driveway - Considered an expedited approval for a wetlands application permit. This was for the construction of a driveway on Spring St. on property located at Map 407, Lot 18 (off Deerfield Rd.).
- 2018 Budget Presentations - Reviewed the budgets for the Library Dept., Fire Dept., and Police Dept.
- Employee Eye Care - Discussed whether to offer VSP Eye Care Coverage Plan to employees.
- Transportation Council - Approved the Mid-State Regional Transportation Council Memorandum of Understanding.
BOS Meeting on Oct. 16, 2017
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments - none
- 2016 Financial Audit - Discussed the 2016 Financial Audit with the auditors from Plodzik & Sanderson.
- 2018 Budget Presentations - An overview of the budget process was given, followed by presentations of the Public Works budget and the Tri-Town EMS budget. The public works budget includes the highway dept., storm water management, street lights, and solid waste disposal.
- Request for tax waiver - Considered a request to waive taxes assessed to William and Jane Dobe in regards to Riverside Drive.
- Winter road process - The BOS refused to assist residents on private roads in any way. This means they are on their own as far as snow plowing.
- Building Inspector/Health Officer options - The BOS decided to advertise for one person to fill the building inspector/health officer positions. Information is on the town web site's Employment page.
- Equipment contract for tasers - Considered a 5-year contract with Axon for equipment such as tasers for the police department.
- Senate bill 121 (storm water and sewer authority) - Discussed support/opposition to SB 121 as it applies to delegation of authority to the NH Dept. of Environmental Services from the US Environmental Protection Agency to regulate NPDES permits (storm water and sewer).
- Senate bill 248 (Town Moderator's authority) - Discussed support/opposition to SB 248 as it applies to the authority of the Moderator to postpone town meeting and town elections.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Oct. 2, 2017
Agenda and related documents on town web site
The meeting was canceled since only one selectman was present.
BOS Meeting on Sept. 25, 2017
Agenda and related documents on town web site
Selectman Dave Eaton was absent.
- Citizen's Comments - Michael Frascinella expressed thanks that no one "took a knee" during the salute to the flag at the opening of the meeting.
- Public Hearing on Personnel Policy Revision 11 - A public hearing was opened but there was no discussion. The revision was approved and the public meeting closed.
- Address change for 384 Deerfield Rd. - The temporary fire chief recommended the change requested by the residents. The home's driveway is actually on Highfield Drive. The change to 6 Highfield Drive was approved.
- Gilbert Rd. paving project - The BOS reviewed the bids and noted that Advanced Excavating was definitely the lowest one at $42,921 for a two-inch shim and overlay. No "hand work" was anticipated. Gilbert Rd. is a short road running diagonally from Rte. 28 to Deerfield Rd.
The road agent said the paving budget was down to $34,000 but there may be a surplus in the highway budget by the end of the year. That would cover the excess cost. A motion to award the contract to Advanced Excavating was approved.
- Auction of Fire Dept. ladder truck - The ladder truck has been deemed unserviceable. Pembroke FD has agreed to provide its own ladder truck if needed. The auction was approved.
- Groundwater testing at the landfill site - Nobis Engineering provided an estimate for this yearly testing of the landfill at the Highway Dept. The cost will be $6650. Approved.
- Solar panels on the community center roof - The solar panels are to be installed and maintained at the installer's expense. The panels are expected to provide about 60% of the center's power needs and the rest will be billed at a 10% discount.
- HB 324 dealing with electric utility property tax assessment - This bill is being debated in the Legislature. The purpose is to set the property tax rate for utility property (buildings, substations, poles). The NH Municipal Association and other interested parties oppose the bill. The BOS authorized the town administrator to testify at the Legislature in opposition to the bill.
- Appointments - Made two appointments to the fire dept.
- Open Zoning Board position - Selectman Carter reintroduced the pending nomination of Sandy McKenney and made a motion to approve it. Selectman Tardiff was against the nomination. Selectman Carter asked if there was anyone in the last few weeks who had volunteered for the open position. The Town Administrator said no one else had volunteered. When Carter pressed Tardiff for a reason, Tardiff mumbled something that could not be heard and the issue was left unresolved.
One is left with the suspicion that petty political reasons were behind the refusal to approve the nomination. As they say about Washington, DC, if it looks like a swamp, and smells like a swamp, and talks like a swamp, it must be a swamp.
- The meeting then went into two non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Sept. 11, 2017
Agenda and related documents on town web site
Selectman Jason Tardiff was absent.
- Citizen's Comments - None
- Lot on Riverside Drive - Met with William Dobe in regards to Riverside Dr. He read a statement reviewing the history of their road. His main concern was a tax bill for a long narrow lot (104-34) which is actually Riverside Drive, the roadway running past all the homes along the river. The town administrator noted that a 1984 court decision said that lot belonged to the Dobes, but they were unwilling to pay taxes on "a road." Selectman Eaton said they will discuss it again when they have a full board.
- Solar Panels - Reviewed a proposal from NH Solar Gardens to install solar panels on the community center roof. One problem is that this roof does not face south. No decision was made.
- Community Transportation - Considered a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to participate in the Mid-State Regional Coordinating Council for Community Transportation. The MOU would enable the council to include Allenstown in its group of towns needing public transportation. The town will not commit to any specific funding but put off a decision until the next BOS meeting.
- Cyber Security Policy - The policy was approved. Michael Frascinella asked if this policy was "top secret" and if a high level summary could be given. Mr. Mullholland stated that they did not want to divulge the contents because it would give hackers information about their security methods and materials. Training on the policy will be given as needed to town officials and employees who need to access the town system. The policy covers topics such as protecting computers, using safe passwords, safely using e-mail, avoiding ad hoc software installations, and more.
- Fire Chief, Building Inspector And Health Officer - No nearby town is willing to share a fire chief, but Epsom is interested in sharing a building inspector and health officer. One option was to pay the current fire chief contractor directly and at a lower rate than $80/hr.
Mr. Frascinella asked if we can get along with just a part-time fire chief. Mr. Eaton said they are considering that option.
- Tax Deeds - The BOS accepted the tax deeds for a few mobile homes. The owners have time to redeem the properties by paying the back taxes.
- Rail Trail Project - The trail along the old railroad bed to Hooksett would require purchase of easements which the town cannot afford. There was talk of contacting some non-profit organizations that might be willing to help.
- AC unit at the Community Center - The equipment room inside the first floor needs cooling to protect electronic equipment installed there. Poor building design resulted in this situation. One solution is to install a separate A/C unit at a cost of $4900. Selectmen were reluctant to go that route and tabled the topic until the 9/25 meeting.
- HB 316 and tax exemptions - Discussed the tax exemption provisions of HB 316 - This bill, signed by Governor Sununu on June 29, 2017, states the following: "An eligible municipality may, by vote of the local legislative body pursuant to RSA 72:82, adopt a new construction property tax exemption for commercial or industrial uses, or both. The intent of the exemption is to provide incentives to businesses to build, rebuild, modernize, or enlarge within the municipality."
The BOS felt that this would be a good topic for the Economic Development Committee to investigate.
- Minutes - Approved the minutes for the July meetings.
- ZBA addition - Sandy McKenney asked when they were going to act on her offer to volunteer for the opening at the Zoning Board. Selectman Carter motioned to appoint her as an alternate member but Selectman Eaton voted No, stating he wanted to wait until they had a full board. (With three selectmen, only two Yes votes are needed to confirm an appointment.)
This was strange since Mrs. McKenney has spent years honorably serving the town in many capacities, including selectman. The obvious implication was that Selectman Tardiff might also vote No, making the rejection seem like a possible insult to Mrs. McKenney. Let us hope that such pettiness does not come to pass.
- The meeting then went into two non-public sessions.
BOS Meeting on Aug. 21, 2017
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments - Sandy McKenney volunteered to fill the vacancy on the Zoning Board due to Bob Bergeron's resignation. She was directed to send that offer to the BOS via e-mail.
- Suncook Rod & Gun Club - A rep. from the organization came to express concern about Avitar's reassessment of their property and stressed the fact that they are a non-profit group. The 11-acre parcel had been in "current use" but they recently cleared about six acres for use as shooting ranges. The assessor stated that RSA 79-A:2 defines current use land as a minimum of 10 acres being used for forest growth or agriculture. It was suggested that they wait until the new property tax rate is set and then file for an abatement.
- Highway Dept. Risk Assessment - Mike Levinski of MRI discussed the highlights of their report. He said the Road Agent and the employees were very open and cooperative.
He recommended doing more asset management, commended the use of state inmates to reduce costs, and suggested changing the name to Public Works Dept. as in many other towns. Overall, most of the conclusions presented were of a low risk.
- CAP Transportation Planning - Larisa Ruggiero, Mobility Manager for some state agency, discussed the need for transportation services in Belknap and Merrimack Counties. She referred to the aging population and the limited public transportation services. Current ride services are paid by taxes not the riders. She asked the BOS to consider participating in some way. They said they will review this by next meeting.
- Personnel Policy Rev. 11 - Michael Frascinella suggested that best practice is to have a revision history page that identifies all changes since the document was first created. Currently, they include only a statement about the current changes. Mr. Eaton agreed, stating that is what they do with engineering documents at his company. Mr. Tardiff curtly declined to consider the suggestion. A public hearing will occur at the next BOS meeting.
- Cyber-Security Policy - The town administrator found that nearby towns did not have one but he thought Allenstown should have one anyway. The document was not available to the public (top secret?).The BOS asked for time to review it.
- MS-1 Inventory - Approved the MS-1 Inventory of Evaluation of Properties.
- Zoning Board (ZBA) Funding - They have asked for more funding for legal and other advice for their workload. The BOS said they want to hold a meeting with the Zoning Board to discuss funding, but approved a spending limit of no more than $8,000 for their 2017 budget.
- Resignation at ZBA - Bob Bergeron resigned and the BOS accepted it. They also appointed Dawna Baxter as a permanent member.
- 2018 budgets - These are due from department heads by the end of the month.
- Old Home Day (OHD) Parade - The BOS will open town hall in the morning so the clowns can get into their costumes. Sadly, none of the selectmen offered to participate in the parade.
- Non-public minutes - Approved several minutes from July.
- Shared Fire Chief - It seemed like the only towns that might be interested are Epsom and Deerfield. So much for Pembroke being cooperative.
- The meeting then went into two non-public session, hopefully not to deal with any more resignations.
BOS Meeting on August 7, 2017
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments - None.
- State Infrastructure Funding - The state, via Senate Bill 38, has awarded $30 million to all cities and towns to be used for local infrastructure improvements such as roads and bridges. According to the infrastructure funds file on the BOS agenda page, Allenstown will received $76,857. Amounts for surrounding towns are: Pembroke - $141,063, Chichester - $77,562, Epsom - $110,870, Deerfield - $126,130, and Hooksett - $260,244. As you can see, Hooksett was allotted the most and Allenstown was given the least amount. A possible explanation is that the grants were based on miles of road and number of bridges per town.
- Omnibus Road Work - The Road Agent reported that Advanced Excavating had the lowest bid for Martinson Lane off Rte. 28 while GMI had the lowest bids for the side roads off Deerfield Rd. He stated that Martinson Lane needs to be completely reclaimed.
The BOS approved a motion to award the contract for Martinson Lane to Advanced Excavating and to award the contract for the side roads off Deerfield Rd. to GMI. Michael Frascinella asked how that affects the previously awarded but delayed contract for Advanced Excavating to pave the upper part of Deerfield Rd. The Road Agent stated that Deerfield Rd. will be paved first and then the side roads will be done.
- Rating Schemes - The BOS approved some changes dealing with "senior raters" for the police and highways departments.
- Tax Deed List - The BOS reviewed and approved tax deeds for several properties. This means that the town takes possession of these properties for failure to pay back taxes.
- Purchasing Policy - There was some disagreement about increasing the Town Administrator's spending limit to $5,000 but the revisions were approved by a vote of 2-1.
- Fire Chief/Building Inspector/Health Officer - With Dana Pendergast gone, it now makes matters difficult since that one man was filling all three positions. Maybe that type of hiring should be avoided in the future. The Town Administrator (TA) mentioned that he had sent the BOS several possible options for them to consider.
He also said that a Pembroke official said they might be receptive to sharing these positions (for example, one Fire Chief for both towns managing the two facilities). The Pembroke building inspector is retiring in several months, so this may be a good time to discuss a merger. The BOS agreed and asked the TA to set up an initial meeting with Pembroke officials to discuss the possibilities. This is an idea that a few budget-minded members of the budget committee had been urging for the past few years, but to no avail.
Mr. Frascinella stated that, with expensive contractors filling the fire chief and building inspector positions, the BOS needed to make sure that the interim costs are minimized. Mr. Tardiff stated they will avoid exceeding the current budgets.
- Appointments - Paul St. Germain was appointed Deputy Fire Chief. A few call firefighters were appointed. Michael Frascinella was appointed as a full member of the Planning Board. Dawna Baxter was appointed as a Zoning Board Alternate. Chad Pelissier was appointed as a Zoning Board member.
- Old Home Day (OHD) - The OHD Committee asked for use of Town Hall at the start of the OHD parade. They also asked for an Allentown Selectman to march in the parade. Dave Eaton reluctantly agreed to do that.
- Minutes - Approved the minutes of several non-public sessions from July. Approved the June 19 public minutes.
- The meeting then went into four non-public sessions. It was not confirmed whether they were planning to put any other employees on administrative leave.
BOS Meeting on July 24, 2017
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments - Angelique Holm of Fullam Circle asked the BOS for a public hearing about her back taxes. She said she wanted to set up a payment plan. Selectman Tardiff rudely and unsympathetically denied her request, stating that the BOS decided last meeting to not allow her to set up a payment plan (by a vote of 2-1). He refused to listen to any more discussion of the matter.
Ms. Holm was so distraught by this that she driven to tears. She tried to explain that she had only SSDI benefits for income, but the BOS ignored her and went on to the next agenda item.
- Public Hearing on Purchasing Policy 2013-010 - The BOS held the second public hearing on this policy. Most of the revisions would increase dept. head spending limits.
Sandy McKenney spoke out against the increase as being unreasonable. Michael Frascinella stressed that a spending limit of more than $1,000 was unnecessary for department heads and that included the town administrator. With selectmen meeting every two weeks, department heads should be able to plan needed spending within that timeframe.
The two selectmen (Tardiff and Eaton) agreed to hold off any decision until Selectman Carter was able to participate.
- Drainage Issues on Ferry St. - Road Agent Pelissier stated that, during a heavy rain, storm water overflows from a manhole that is not yet connected to a pipe downhill. For now, they have built up a berm to prevent storm water from running onto a resident's property. Sewer Commissioner Caporale was also there and agreed to work with the Road Agent to determine a final solution.
- Library Trustee - Appointed Kate Beland to the Library Trustee position.
- Omnibus Road Work - This project is for repaving Martinson Rd. off Route 28 and for repaving Clear View Drive, Highfield Drive, and Birchwood Drive off Deerfield Rd. The Road Agent needed time to get more information on the bids before recommending any bidders.
- Wastewater Asset Management Program - Michael Trainque of Hoyt Tanner Associates explained that the BOS must now approve and sign the $30,000 loan agreement. This loan is for improving the Sewer Department's asset management system. Mr. Trainque said that the project may not start until this winter. The BOS approved it.
- Tax Deed List - Action on the tax deed list (properties deeded for failure to pay back taxes) was postponed until the next meeting.
- Police Department Rating Scheme - Discussed the updated police dept. rating scheme with Lt. Stark. Mr. Mullholland did not want to be the "senior rater" for performance reviews nor did the selectmen, so they postponed a decision until they could consult other department heads and there was a full board present.
- Water Discharge Permit - The town received a letter in which DES denied a permit for washing town trucks at the highway garage where the water would drain into and contaminate the ground. The problem was due to oils that might rinse off the trucks and, especially in the winter, when salt would be washed off the trucks after snow plowing and salting.
Mr. Frascinella suggested that they ask Pembroke how they wash their trucks and maybe make some sort of a deal with them. The Road Agent said he will be examining several options, one of which is a very expensive washing system that recovers all the waste water.
- Planning Board changes - Chris Roy submitted his resignation due to a relocation to Hampton, NH. The Planning Board elected Michael O'Meara as the new Chairman.
- The meeting then went into several non-public sessions.
BOS Meeting on July 10, 2017
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments - Sandy McKenney read a statement criticizing the proposed increases in spending limits in the Purchasing Policy. She also felt that the Selectmen were not managing the town properly and were delegating too much authority to the town administrator.
- River Rd. Driveway - Elizabeth Sheehy of 45 River Rd. expressed concern about the apron to her second driveway and that the newly paved road seemed to have widened on her side. The Road Agent said the road was paved to a standard 22 ft. wide and all driveway aprons were blended as much as possible. Mr. Sheehy then asked if the road shoulder could be widened at the ball field farther down River Rd. so families could safely park well off the pavement. The road agent agreed to look into that.
- Damages Petition by Thomas O'Donnell - The last repairs to this Cross St. property were done in Oct. 2016. Selectmen Tardiff and Eaton referred to an RSA that said a town was not liable for damage claims filed more than six months after the incident. Selectman Carter felt the town was liable because inadequate repairs had been made over the past year or two to stop storm water damage, but a formal petition for damages was not made until April of this year.
Selectman Carter motioned to find in favor of Mr. O'Donnell and grant an award of $5,000. Selectmen Tardiff and Eaton voted No. As a result, Mr. O'Donnell was deprived of any compensation for damages to his property from storm water runoff.
- Waste Oil Grant - Road Agent Ron Pelissier wanted to apply for a state grant so as to purchase a new double-wall waste oil tank and to clean the waste oil furnace at the Highway Garage. The BOS approved.
- Expenditure and Revenue Reports - The BOS reviewed this month's reports. Michael Frascinella asked the Road Agent to help him understand why the totals for this year's paving projects ($235,881) more than exceed the amount in the 2017 Highway Dept. budget ($183,737). This year's projects include the final top layer on River Rd., upper Deerfield Rd. ($183,266), and the River Rd. extension ($52,615).
Mr. Pelissier explained that about $104,000 remaining in the 2016 paving budget was encumbered (earmarked for a specific future purpose) for use this year. That resulted in a net cost of only $132,000 from this year's paving budget.
Addendum to paving projects - 7-20-2017 - An additional bid request has been sent out for the paving of Martinson Lane off Route 28 and certain roads off Deerfield Rd. above Podunk Rd. These include Clear View Drive, Highfield Drive, and Birchwood Drive. These additional projects are to be funded in part by an anticipated one-time state grant of about $87,000. At the next BOS meeting, it is expected that the Selectmen will review the bids received, decide which one to accept, and allow all the Deerfield Rd. paving projects to commence.
- Revisions to Purchasing Policy 2013-010 - This was the first review of the changes. Mr. Mullholland proposed the changes after reviewing policies from several other towns. He said we were at the low end of spending limits. Mr. Carter said some of the increases were reasonable but did not agree that the town administrator's spending limit needed to be raised from $2,000 to $5,000.
When Mr. Frascinella attempted to make a comment, Mr. Tardiff cut him off and said that public comments would not be allowed until the second hearing. Here we have a failure of the selectmen to set expectations for the public attendees.
- Ferry St. Boat Landing - Hoyt Tanner Associates submitted a quote of $30,990 for engineering services. THis covered data collection, design documents, and permitting only. Construction would be an additional cost. The BOS agreed that there were no funds for this and would investigate a few grants plus an offer of help from the Sewer Dept.
- Tax Payment Plan - A resident, possibly in Holiday Acres, asked the town to delay deeding her property for failure to pay back taxes. Selectman Tardiff and Eaton were reluctant to set a precedent and offer the resident a tax payment plan. Instead of meeting with the resident in person to explain the consequences of not accepting a payment plan, it looks like the resident will lose her home.
- Sale of 2006 Fire Rescue Vehicle - This vehicle is no longer in use so the BOS approved its sale.
- Agreements for tax-deeding of old trailer homes - The BOS authorized the Town Administrator to execute agreements with Holiday Acres, Catamount Hill Co-op, and Robert Griggs in regards to the tax deeding of trailer homes. This is a practice where the town abates the taxes on an old home that is soon to be demolished. The park disposes of the old home. Once a new home is installed on site, the town can assess its higher value and collect appropriately higher taxes.
- Tax deed of two delinquent properties - The BOS discussed how to deal with these owners who owe back taxes: Plourde Sand & Gravel property and 46 Clement Rd. property. The road agent cautioned that the properties contain possibly hazardous debris. If the owners would not clean them up, the town may have to. No decision was made.
- Northern Pass MOU status -Northern Pass (NPT) won't consent to any of the town's demands. The next step may be to confer with the town attorney about filing a challenge with the NH Site Evaluation Committee.
- Minutes were approved for June 19.
- The meeting then went into two non-public sessions.
BOS Meeting on June 19, 2017
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Cross St. Petition - The BOS held a hearing for Thomas O'Donnell of 27.5 Cross St. in regards to a petition for damages pursuant to the provisions of RSA 231:75.
- Driveway on River Rd. - Met with Elizabeth Sheehy of 45 River Rd. in regards to the paving of River Rd. and the entrance to her driveway.
- Sewer Pump Station Project - Approved a Clean Water State Revolving Fund application for the Sewer Pumping station project. This project was approved at town meeting last March.
- Storm Water Asset Management - Discussed a pre-application for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund for storm water asset management. This will help the Highway Dept. with the development of inventory, work orders, and service calls.
- Tax Deed List - Received the Tax Deed List from the Tax Collector.
- Accounts payable process - Reviewed the process for accounts that need to be paid.
- Change order for River Rd. - Reviewed and approved Change Order #2 for River Rd. This change adds 2500 ft. of paving (about 1/2 mile) from the end of the new work at the Granite Street intersection north to the beginning of the guard rail at Boat Meadow Brook. Additional cost is $52,615.00.
- Land purchase - Voted to acquire of 1.37 acres of land from Allenstown Aggregate from the property located at Map 106, Lot 19 pursuant to a court order and authorized the Town Administrator to execute the necessary documents to include applying for a lot line adjustment with the Planning Board. This is a wedge-shaped piece of land on the right (or west) side of the transfer station.
- The meeting then went into four non-public sessions.
BOS Meeting on June 5, 2017
Agenda and related documents on town web site
This was the annual BOS meeting at the Old Allenstown Meeting House on Deerfield Rd. It was a cool, rainy night and only about a dozen people attended. Selectman Ryan Carter was absent.
- No Citizen's comments tonight.
- Interim Personnel Policy - The BOS reviewed several edits relating to vacation, personal days, and sick time. Michael Frascinella questioned a policy statement that sewer dept. employees who work on a holiday get 1 1/2 time regular pay "in addition to their straight time pay." That is, they get paid 2 1/2 times their base pay for working on a holiday. When Mr. Frascinella said that was excessively high, the BOS said that was a matter to be taken up with the sewer commissioners since the BOS had no control over that issue.
- Deerfield Rd. Paving Bids - The BOS discussed several bids with the Road Agent. They approved a motion to accept the bid from Advanced Excavating Co. This is the same company that the state hired to pave the first 2 1/2 miles of Deerfield Rd. last summer. The bids were $59,616 for Phase I and $123,650 for Phase II. Mr. Mulholland was directed to draft a contract to issue to Advanced Excavating.
- EPA Storm Water Issue - The Road Agent said there has been an issue with storm water at the highway garage and the only viable solution is to build a new garage elsewhere. One estimated cost was about $200,000. Michael Frascinella asked if the study committee could look into temporary use of the old Concord Warehouse at Chester Turnpike and Route 28. He said that would give the town time to find a final site and decide how to pay for the new garage and the land. There was no clear response to the suggestion.
The Road Agent said the study committee was to meet Monday, June 12 (at the highly unusual time of 7 a.m.) to discuss existing code violations, identify a construction management company to do site evaluation, building design, and cost estimates, review funding options and site options, and other matters.
- Town Administrator's Report - Met the candidates for the opening for school principal. The school board is to make a decision soon.
It was discovered that there are two recycling funds, created by two different warrant articles, but there should only be one fund.
- Minutes for April 17 were approved.
- The meeting adjourned at about 7:00 p.m.
BOS Meeting on May 22, 2017
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- No Citizen's comments tonight.
- Applicant for Police Officer - David Spenser of Derry was presented as a candidate for police officer. The BOS approved the hiring and Mr. Spenser was sworn in by the Town Clerk.
- Northern Pass - The Northern Pass memorandum of understanding was returned to the town with non of the town's requirements incorporated. Two residents on Dowst Rd. expressed serious concern about potential truck traffic on their road with no guarantees of the operating hours the town requested. The town may need to bring these issues up with the NH Site Evaluation Committee. For issues related to Northern Pass, refer to No to Northern Pass.
- Boat Ramp Improvements - Michael Trainque, VP of Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, discussed the scope and cost of the project. The current document is for engineering services only. THe cost for collecting data on existing conditions, preparing preliminary design documents, and completing final design documents was $21,650.
- Repaving Deerfield Rd. - Bids were received for the Deerfield Rd. paving project. Phase I includes repaving the road from house number 393 near Highfield Drive to No. 428 near Mt. Delight Rd. Phase II covers repaving from no. 298 (at the stone post just before Podunk Rd.) to no. 352 at the lower end of Clearview Dr.
- ClearGov Presentation - At 7:00 p.m., a representative for ClearGov ClearGov gave a remotely controlled demonstration of their web solution that presents demographic and financial town data. This demo was initiated by Mr. Mullholland as a way to make town operations "more transparent to the public." The BOS seemed interested. There would be a 30-day free trial after which the town would be billed about $2500 for the first year's subscription. This web solution would incur a cost in addition to the current town web site.
Michael Frascinella suggested that as many residents as possible should be asked to evaluate the site and submit feedback by e-mail or other means. There was no mention of comparing this service to other vendors, having an open bid process, specifying where the additional funding was to come from, or whether the trial version would include any real data. (An extremely short public trial run was announced the following day (May 23) but ended that Friday (May 26).
- Tax Relief Request - A Public Hearing was held for the Application for 79-E Tax Incentive for the 41-unit apartment building located at 90-98 Main St. Owner Allen Croteau purchased the property in April for $1.4 million. He plans to renovate and modernize the building inside and out with an investment of about $411,000. The tax incentive was approved, meaning that taxes will be levied at the current assessed value for five years, allowing him to recover his investment before the property is reassessed at a hopefully higher level.
- Dept. Head Guidance - The BOS continue discussion of guidance to department heads in the development of the 2018 Budget. Mr. Mullholland stated that the consumer price index (CPI) has risen over 2%, which was being used as a guideline. On checking the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the CPI for the northeast was declining below 2%. The BOS approved this guidance as long as a department's total budget remained level with 2017.
- Tri-Town EMS Board - The BOS approved the appointment of Michael O'Meara to the Tri-Town EMS Board of Directors.
- Fire/Rescue Vehicle - The BOS approved a five-year lease agreement for this vehicle. Money for the lease is to come from "the operating budget."
- Economic Development Comm. - The BOS approved the appointment of Sandy McKenney to the committee.
- PFOA Testing - The state Department of Environmental Services has mandated that town waste sites be tested for the industrial chemicals PFOA and PFOS (synthetic perfluorooctane chemicals). This will cost the town about $7800.
- Perambulation of Town Line - Hooksett selectmen want Allenstown selectmen to join them on the state-required perambulation of the common town boundary. Selectman Tardiff volunteered for this June 15th event.
- Non-Public Minutes - The BOS approved these minutes.
- Old meeting minutes - The BOS approved one more delayed set.
- Budget Comm. Alternate - Selectman Eaton suggested creating an alternative ex-officio rep. to the Budget Committee and the Planning Board. Selectman Tardiff volunteered for these positions.
- The meeting then went into non-public session around 8:30 p.m..
BOS Meeting on May 8, 2017
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Appointments - The BOS made about 20 appointments to various town boards, commissions and committees, for example, Jeff McNamara was appointed Sewer Commissioner to replace recently deceased Commissioner, Larry Anderson, and Dana Pendergast was reappointed Fire Chief.
- Investment Policy 2014-001 - This policy was approved.
- Property Tax Warrant - The BOS approved the first half of the 2017 Property Tax Warrant.
- Mutual Aid - The BOS approved a mutual aid agreement with the Town of Warner.
- New Rescue Vehicle - Chief Pendergast discussed options for what he called a multi-hazard vehicle to replace an existing vehicle. He said that, once we ordered the vehicle, it would take about six months for it to be delivered.
- EPA Checklist - The BOS discussed the checklist regarding potential floods.
- Fire Dept. Response Tool - The chief proposed obtaining a new tool that would run on dept. cell phones. Due to acceptance by other fire departments, the subscription price came down to $800.00/yr.
- Public Hearing for Ratification of the 2017 Town Meeting - The BOS reviewed the resolution by which they ratified the results of the town election that took place on March 16th, 2017. It was noted that the School Board also met on the same night and ratified the results of the school portion of the election. (See the Ratification documents on the town web site.)
- 2018 Budget Guidance - The BOS discussed the limited funds available for any 2018 wage increases and the fact that certain employees were below the levels recommended in the town's wage classification system. Health insurance costs are still uncertain since they will not be set until October 2017. The BOS may allow for a minimal wage increase in 2018 but only if department heads keep their total budgets at the same level as in 2017. A decision will have to be made by May 22nd.
- Banking Services - The town received two proposals to provide the town with financial services. These proposals came from TD Bank and People's Bank.
- Meeting Minutes - Several sets of minutes were approved for meetings held in March and April. See the April 17 Highlights for details.
- Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) - This may not have been discussed, but you should examine this plan because it contains all the big ticket expenses being planned over the next several years, predominantly by the Highway, Fire, and Police Departments.
➤ Capital Improvement Plan (Excel file on town web site)
➤ Capital Improvement Plan (PDF file on Allenstown Alt)
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Apr. 17, 2017
Agenda and related documents on town web site
Citizen's Comments - Sandy McKenney offered thanks to the Highway Dept, Police Dept., and Fire Dept. for helping her through the last months of her husband, Jerry's, life.
- Assessing Processes - Met with the Avitar Associates and NH Dept. of Revenue Administration (DRA) representatives to discuss the assessing processes. Avitar is working on 100% valuation of town properties, which should result in an increase in values but a corresponding decrease in the tax RATE. Their analysis will use "qualified sales" (excluding foreclosures and sales to family members).
From May 9th to the 11th, property owners have the option to call Avitar to allow them to do an interior inspection of their property. This may or may not be beneficial to the property owner. You may want to hold off on that renovation project.
By June, they should be notifying property owners the new property values. Since the new tax rate will not be set until October, this will leave property owners wondering whether their new tax bills will be higher, lower, or the same.
The NH Dept. of Revenue (DOR) rep. said the DOR will review the new assessments and also do a 5th-year review of assessment procedures.
- Northern Pass - Discussed the proposed Northern Pass memorandum of understanding (MOU) during construction. The BOS agreed on several stipulations to send to Eversource.
- Prohibit construction trucks on town roads during mud season.
- Require paved aprons where trucks will travel from a town road to a dirt road.
- Proposed hours of operation are from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday to Saturday. Hours are to be reduced to 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday to Friday.
- Residents of Dowst Rd. expressed concern for their daughter who suffers from a sensory overload condition. They requested that ALL truck traffic be prohibited on Dowst Rd., which leads to the current power line right of way. They also requested a prohibition of ALL helicopter use within one mile of their home.
- River Rd. paving - The final layer of pavement from Route 28 to Granite St. is to be put down in early May followed by finishing details. The final layer will bring the road surface flush with the tops of those orange-painted sewer covers that are now so prominent.
- Cross St. Repairs - Held a Hearing for Thomas O'Donnell of 27.5 Cross St. in regards to a petition for damages pursuant to the provisions of RSA 231:75. The BOS stated that there was a 6 month statute of limitations for damage claims but they would consider the claim from Oct. 2016. After some animated discussion, Mr. O'Donnell requested and received a 60-day continuance so they could assemble the needed documentation to support their claim.
- Sale of town lots - Northeast Granite and Allenstown Aggregate have submitted bids for town-owned property located at Map 410 Lots 23 and 25. There may be a bidding war which will be good for the town. Lots 32, 35, and 36 are still out for bid.
- Capital Improvements Plan - Finalized the Capital Improvements Plan.
Fire Dept. - One large cost item is the set of SCBA air packs used on the fire engines. They were bought via a federal grant and now all of them are reaching the 15-year expiration date at the same time. Mr. Frascinella suggested that the Fire Dept. might have started replacing them a few every year but the chief countered that there might be a problem due to periodic equipment code changes. The BOS decided to fund them by adding $15,000/yr. to the capital reserve fund via warrant articles.
The compressor used to fill air packs is 20 years old and needs to be replaced. The BOS considered a leased compressor to limit cash outlay.
The NH government was considering a $30 million infrastructure bill for repairing roads and bridges. The BOS believed that Allenstown's share could be used for repairing the worst town roads without impacting the Highway Dept. budget.
- Requests for Proposal - The BOS approved plans to issue RFPs for banking services and supplemental retirement plan services. This may result in a better deal for the town.
- Review reports - Reviewed expenditure and revenue reports.
- Applicants for Trustee positions - Considered applicants for the Trustee of the Trust Funds and Cemetery Trustee to fill a vacant position due to the death of Larry Anderson on April 13. Michael O'Meara was appointed Trustee of Trust Funds and Trustee of Cemeteries. Ronnie Cox was appointed alternate Trustee of Trust Funds. Michael O'Meara was also appointed to the Planning Board.
- Police Cruiser - Approved budget adjustment from line 01.4210.10.752 Police Cruiser in the amount of $37,000 to line 01.4909.10.752 CAP Police Cruiser (CAP = Capital Equipment). This was money already budgeted for a new cruiser.
- Apr. 3 minutes - The BOS approved the minutes of the non-public
- Request from Warner Fire Dept. - Chief Pendergast stated that a Warner fire engine had been in a severe accident in February and they requested help from surrounding towns. Allenstown Engine 4 has been idle so the chief suggested lending it to Warner, who would agree to paying the insurance and any maintenance costs. Approved.
- Postponed elections - The state legislature was debating a bill to allow towns who postponed elections due to the March blizzard to ratify their own election results.
- Delayed meeting minutes - Several temps are working on the backlog of minutes after the regular clerk suddenly quit.
- Boat Ramp - A state grant may become available for renovating the Ferry St. boat ramp.
- The meeting then went into two non-public sessions.
BOS Meeting on Apr. 3, 2017
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Disaster Recovery Exercise - The BOS discussed the outcomes of the Disaster Recovery, Table-Top Exercise that occurred on March 31, 2017.
- Capital Improvements Plan - Continued discussion with department heads in regards to the development of the Capital Improvements Plan.
- Fire Dept. Rescue Vehicle - Discussed repair status of the Fire Dept. rescue vehicle.
- New Police Vehicle - Discussed three year lease/purchase agreement for a police vehicle.
- Rules Of Procedure - Approved BOS rules of procedure.
- Land Swap - Met with a representative from Allenstown Aggregate to discuss a land swap and purchase of town owned lands.
- Personnel Evaluations - Discussed options for personnel evaluations.
- Northern Pass - Discussed proposed Northern Pass Tax Stabilization Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
- Boat Landing - Discussed the future of the Ferry St. Boat Landing project.
- Fund Transfer - Requested the transfer of $525 from the Landfill Capital Reserve Fund to the general fund.
- 2016 Audit - Completed the Audit Questionnaire for the 2016 audit.
- Encumbered Funds - Discussed procedures for accounting for expenditure of encumbered funds.
- The meeting then went into three non-public sessions.
BOS Meeting on Mar. 20, 2017
- Officers - The BOS selected Jason Tardiff as chairman and Dave Eaton as Vice-Chairman of the Board. They also welcomed Ryan Carter, the newly elected Selectman.
- Committee Assignments - The BOS determined who would represent the board on various committees.
- Budget Committee - Dave Eaton; second rep., Ryan Carter
- Planning Board - Ryan Carter
- Suncook Village Commission - Ryan Carter
- Old Allenstown Meeting House Committee - Jason Tardiff
- Suncook Valley Regional Towns Association - Dave Eaton
- Public Works Facilities Study Committee - Jason Tardiff
- Economic Development Committee - Ryan Carter
- Budget Adjustments - The BOS approved budget adjustments for three grants and one transfer from a capital reserve fund.
- Opening Lincoln St. - Road Agent, Ron Pelissier, discussed whether or not to open to top end of Lincoln St. (off Granite St., west of Route 3) to through traffic. The current options include (1) creating a turnaround at the top of the road so that snow plows can safely turn around, or (2) installing a gate that only the highway dept. can access for snow plowing. A gate is available and signage would not have to change. The BOS asked Mr. Pelissier to present a final proposal to them.
- Economic Development Committee - The BOS approved the re-establishment of this inactive committee, to be charged with bringing new businesses and jobs into town. It will consist of one Planning Board member, one BOS member, and three residents of the town. The committee will have a budget but the members will be unpaid.
- LCHIP Grant - The BOS accepted a $200.00 grant from the state LCHIP for the Old Allenstown Meeting House.
- The meeting then went into two non-public sessions.
BOS Meeting on Mar. 9, 2017
This meeting consisted of three non-public sessions, which typically deal with sensitive issues requiring privacy. They could have talked about an employee performance review, Pembroke's continuing lawsuit against the sewer dept., or why it takes so long to publish meeting minutes. (^¿©)
BOS Meeting on Mar. 6, 2017
Due to citizen action in advertising this meeting, over 30 people participated in the debate over the Holiday Acres project. Typically, only a few people ever attend a BOS meeting. The disappointing outcome was a vote of 2-1 in favor of selling the land to the Hynes Group. (There goes the neighborhood!)
- Citizens' Comments - Passed over because all the comments were going to be on the Holiday Acres project.
- Holiday Acres 210-Home Project - The BOS held a hearing on a purchase and sales agreement with the Hynes Group for the sale of these town owned lots: Map 410 Lot 29 and 31, Map 411 Lot 4 and 5.
From 6 p.m. to past 8 p.m., residents questioned and voiced mostly opposition to this project. The town received several letters of concern, which were reviewed. In response to concerns that these new homes would depreciate in value, Mr. Mullholland said that homes in a similar development in Rochester seemed to be going up in value.
Kris Raymond, School Board member, expressed grave concern about the low estimate of additional students and how the school system was currently struggling with the costs of maintaining two aging school buildings and the two infrastructures.
Sue Hebert of Deerfield Rd. also disagreed with the estimate of only 15 new students. She noted that many families today are multi-generation meaning that you may have a person over 55 living with their adult children and grandchildren who would be in our school system. She also was concerned that, with the lower assessed values of these units, their property tax contribution would be minimal compared to the town services provided. Also as these individuals turn over 65, they will be eligible for property tax credits. The lower tax contributions will then put the burden on other taxpayers in town. She also informed Allenstown Alt that, in a reply from Selectman Gryval to her e-mail message on this topic, she was told that the project still needs to be approved by the Planning and Zoning Board.
A spokesman named Matt reviewed population charts compiled by the Central NH Planning Commission, but they did not seem very helpful.
Russ Thibeault, economist for the Hynes Group, answered several questions. When it was mentioned that buyers will buy only the home with the land remaining under the park's control (and buyers obligated to pay park fees), Michael Frascinella, Budget Committee member, said that sounded like a typical mobile home scenario. He asked why buyers can't buy the land. The answer was not clear.
In answer to a question about sewer dept. capacity, Sewer Commissioner, Carl Caporale, said there was plenty of capacity for the projected number of homes. In response to questions about details about the units, it was stated that the sale price is $112,000 with each unit to be mounted on a concrete slab. Lot size was still unspecified. (There is a warrant article to define these lots as a minimum 10,000 sq. ft.)
Many people pleaded that the current high taxes were making it almost impossible to live here. One resident suggested that the number to be built per year (10-12) won't help reduce property taxes. Another resident thought the town was selling the property for too little. Mr. Mullholland said that the land is being sold at its assessed value and that no one else has offered to buy the 166 acres.
Chad Pelissier, Planning Board member, expressed concern with the over 55 age limit. He found several current homes in Holiday Acres where the owners were over 65 and had received an elderly exemption, which reduced their property taxes significantly. The over 55 buyers of the new homes would soon be over 65 and could apply for the same elderly exemption, thus reducing the developers rosy picture of taxable value.
Mr. Caporale emphatically stated that no new businesses have moved into town (for whatever reason) in several years, so this project may be the only current hope we have to reduce the exorbitant taxes. Mr. Frascinella emphasized the long-running lack of new business and the fact that business properties like Big Jim's, the old warehouses, and the old lumber mill that have been vacant for years. He felt that we needed business people who could negotiate to bring in new companies and new jobs, after which we could then focus on new housing.
When asked about the first stages of the development, residents were told that Chester Turnpike will have to be upgraded and extended into the development, also sewer, water, and power lines will have to be installed, and then possibly the lot lines will have to be surveyed. Property taxes can then be collected for this new infrastructure. They will build only a few model homes at first, and not install any new homes until purchases are made.
After no more questions were forthcoming, the BOS discussed how to proceed. Jeff Gryval initially suggested holding off on a decision. Jason Tardiff and Dave Eaton said they were ready to vote in favor. The vote was 2-1 with Mr. Gryval voting No.
One resident thanked the BOS for listening to the concerns of all the residents and doing their due diligence before voting on the issue.
Note: All attendees left (many disgruntled) after the vote so the remaining topics are estimates.
- Cross St. repairs - The BOS voted to adopt the finding from the Feb. 13 hearing on the petition by Mr. Carter.
- Personnel and Payroll Policies - The BOS voted to approve the changes.
- Capital Improvement Plan - THe BOS discussed changes to this plan.
- Economic Development Strategy - The BOS discussed this 43-page document, which is a chapter of the Allenstown Master Plan.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Feb. 27, 2017
- Citizens' Comments - One resident spoke of serious concerns that the Hynes/Holiday Acres manufactured housing project will turn into a significant cost for the town. Mr. Frascinella asked why the new homes are needed since town population has been dropping since 2000. Mr Gryval said the state population is aging and there is a need statewide for over 55 housing. When asked about progress in bringing new business to town as a way to reduce property taxes, Mr. Gryval said the selectmen are working on that but they still did not have anything they could announce.
Chad Pelissier, a planning board member, asked if the school board had weighed in on that project, but the answer was no. The Hynes Group's report showed a supposed minimal number of additional students due to the new homes. Mr. Pelissier read from a report that stated that current homes in Holiday Acres are decreasing in value and thus paying less property taxes. Mr. Mullholland said that a study showed that the newest types of manufactured homes (e.g, in Rochester, NH) are increasing in value. Mr. Pelissier noted a state study that indicated that, in 10-20 years, there will be a decrease in demand for that type of housing.
Kathleen Pelissier, Town Clerk, reported that 31% of homes in town are mobile homes (AKA trailer homes) and they pay only 13% of the property taxes.
- Fire Dept. Corrective Action - Chief Pendergast said the First quarter corrections are nearly complete. He discussed several other corrective projects for the rest of the year.
- Police Dept. Corrective Action - Chief Paquette reviewed items that were completed or ongoing.
- NH Dept. of Safety Grant - The BOS accepted a grant of $6,000 from the NH Dept. of Safety for the Fire Dept. for bulletproof equipment for rescuing victims in an "active shooter" situation. (Hope we never have to use the equipment.)
- Personnel and Payroll Policies - The BOS tabled the items until next meeting due to Selectman Tardiff's absence.
- Capital Improvement Plan - Ron Pelissier (Highway Dept.) noted the need for two new dump trucks and the elimination of one truck. Chief Paquette stated the need for mostly maintenance on vehicles and equipment.
- Personnel Evaluation System - The BOS tabled this item until next meeting due to Selectman Tardiff's absence.
- Workers' Compensation - The BOS accepted the agreement with Primex.
- Library Budget grant - The BOS approved the grant of $4,865.00 for replacement windows for the Library.
- Suncook Village Resolution - The BOS approved the resolution creating a Suncook Village Commission to work on projects for the village district of both towns.
- Land Sale to Hynes Group - The BOS tabled this item until next meeting due to Selectman Tardiff's absence.
- Feb. 13 minutes - The BOS approved these; someday soon they will be online.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Feb. 13, 2017
- Public Hearing on Cross St. - A hearing was opened for discussion of road repairs at Mr. Carver's property on Cross St.
- Personnel Policy Revision 10 - Changes to the policy were reviewed. The changes were primarily to add the sewer dept. to several sections.
- Payroll Policy 2009-003 - Changes to the policy were reviewed.
- Capital Improvements Plan - The BOS reviewed proposed applications for Highway Dept. projects.
- Personnel Evaluation System - The BOS discussed the personnel evaluation system.
- Highway Dept. performance assessment - The BOS approved the contract with MRI for the Highway Dept. performance assessment.
- Legal Appeal by the Pembroke Sewer Commission - The BOS reviewed the appeal by the Pembroke Sewer Commission of the recent court case (which Pembroke lost) and determined a course of action.
- Appointment to Zoning Board and Planning Board - The BOS appointed Michael O'Meara to the Zoning Board and Planning Board as a alternate.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Feb. 6, 2017
Selectman Tardiff had an excused absence.
- Personnel Policy, Payroll Policy - The BOS opened a public hearing and discussed the policies. There were several comments about when time sheets needed to be submitted. The hearing was to be continued so that Mr. Tardiff could attend.
- Capital Improvements Plan - The Fire Dept. was the focus this time. Chief Pendergast stated that a Rescue Vehicle was on his list for next year. This would be a medical unit without the bed compartment, and it would replace an engine that is on lease.
A request for a ladder truck is slated for 2019. This would replace Engine 4 and the pump truck. It would be used to access building roofs during a fire.
By 2021, the 20+ year old air compressor will need to be replaced. That unit is used to fills the firefighters' SCBA air packs. The air packs need to be replaced but the chief is looking to reduce their number based on fewer fire engines.
At some point, the second floor of the fire station needs to be finished.
- Police Dept. resignation - The BOS accepted the resignation of Officer Luis Moreta. Chief Paquette is reviewing applications.
- Planning Board - The BOS replaced Ex Officio Jason Tardiff with Dave Eaton.
- Personnel Evaluation System - This item was moved to the next meeting.
- Legislative Bills - Mr. Mulholland briefed the BOS on several pending bills.
- Meeting with Pembroke Officials - Members of the Allenstown and Pembroke BOS and Planning Boards, as well as the Meet Me in Suncook group reviewed the results of last October's Charette. Allenstown hoped to enlist Pembroke in improving housing and business in the village and to revitalize the China Mills to benefit both towns.
One project of interest was a rail trail on the old railroad bed near the river. Hooksett is developing one and Concord has completed its trail. Allenstown wants to discuss a joint project for a trail through Allenstown and Pembroke.
Mr. Monihan of Plan NH talked about form-based zoning which would allow buildings in the village to have businesses on the first floor, apartments on the upper floors, and parking in the rear.
Ms. Courtemanche, Pembroke BOS, said the full Pembroke BOS would need to discuss this further and that their membership may change after the March election.
Mr. Gryval closed the meeting with hopes that Pembroke officials would decide in the near future to join Allenstown in these projects.
- No one mentioned the sewer dept. lawsuit that Pembroke had just lost.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Jan. 26, 2017
- NH Dept. of Safety Grant - the BOS accepted a grant of $21,878 for conducting an emergency management exercise.
- Spending the grant - the BOS awarded a contract to Hubbard Consulting to coordinate an emergency management exercise. (Easy come, easy go?)
- Grant from NH Health Trust - the BOS accepted a grant of $500.00 for an employee wellness program.
- Capital Improvements Plan - the BOS met with department heads to review submissions for this plan.
- Night of Lights - the BOS discussed the expenditure of funds for this Christmas event.
- 2017 Evaluator Rating Scheme - the BOS approved this rating scheme.
- Cross St. damages - the BOS discussed scheduling a hearing with respect to homeowner damages.
- The BOS then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Jan. 14, 2017
This meeting was held at 8:30 a.m. at the Community Center just before the public hearing. Selectman Tardiff was absent.
BOS Meeting on Jan. 9, 2017
Selectman Tardiff was absent this evening.
- Sewer Pump Station Bond - Michael Trainque, VP of Hoyle, Tanner, & Associates, presented information on the $1.616 million bond for a new Sewer Pump Station at Suncook Pond. This will eliminate the hazardous pipe that conducts Allenstown sewage under the river into the Pembroke sewer system.
A 10-year state loan or municipal bond will be used to fund the project. Since the BOS is the only bonding authority in town, they obtained a commitment from the sewer commission to repay the loan from sewer funds. The loan payment will be about $180,000 per year. If approved by voters, construction might not start until the Fall of 2017.
- Warrant articles - The BOS reviewed the current articles for the town but has not received the school warrant articles. The town warrant articles were voted as "Recommended."
- Personnel evaluation process - This was put off until the next meeting.
- Dedication in the town report - There was minimal discussion about the cover and the dedication.
- $1400 fund transfer - The BOS approved the transfer of $1400 from the Landfill Fund to the General Fund to pay Nobis Engineering.
- Downtown Re-Development - A meeting between the Allenstown BOS and Planning Board and Pembroke's BOS and Planning Board was to be held on Jan. 18 to discuss common zoning regulations and other topics related to the downtown areas.
- Proposed state legislation - The BOS authorized the town administrator to testify at the State House regarding several bills of interest the town.
- Personnel Policy and Payroll Approval Policy - The BOS discussed changes to both policies.
- Proposed SRO warrant article - The school board has not yet presented or discussed a School Resource Officer with the BOS, who sounded like they might not recommend it.
- Jan. 14 Public Hearing - At 9 a.m. at the Allentown Community Center, all town, sewer, and school warrant articles were to be presented to the public.
- The BOS then went into non-public session.
Selectmen's 2016 Meeting Archive
Selectmen's page
Board of Selectmen (town web site)