 Allenstown Alt.
Selectmen's 2021 Meeting Archive
Town Hall 16 School St. Allenstown, NH 603-485-4276
Check town web site for current business hours.
The Board of Selectmen (BOS) consists of three residents who are elected to administer public affairs for the town. The board is the typical governing entity of small New England towns. The Selectmen do not have governing authority over the School Board or the Sewer Commission.
Selectmen are elected for a three-year term with terms of office staggered so that only one selectman's term expires each year.
At the March 10, 2020 election, voters approved the five-member board. As a result, at the 2021 town election, voters elected two members for a three-year term and one member for a one-year term.
Highlights of latest meeting
Board of Selectmen
This is the first year in which the Board of Selectmen increased from three to five members. May God bless them all with the wisdom to guide our town.
The selectmen meet every other Monday at 6 p.m. at Town Hall, and sometimes less frequently if few issues need addressing.
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
- 2021 Meeting Agendas - Go to the 2021 Agendas page. At that page, click on a link. The next page displays a list containing the agenda document and any other pertinent documents. Click on any link to open that document.
- 2021 Meeting Minutes - Go to the 2021 Minutes page. Minutes usually take much too long to be typed, proofread, approved, and uploaded to the web site. Instead, read the meeting highlights below, which are much more timely and to the point.
BOS Meeting Highlights
BOS meeting minutes can inform you as to how the selectmen handle town affairs. Since it usually takes several days for the minutes to be published on the town web site, this page offers meeting highlights as a service to residents. Read the official minutes to see how exciting or dull the actual meeting was.
Meeting highlights began in July 25, 2016. Meeting highlights for 2020 are available in the Selectmen's 2020 Meeting Archive.
The following acronyms are used:
BOS - Board of Selectmen
CNHRPC - Central NH Regional Planning Commission
DOR - NH Dept. of Revenue
EDC - Economic Development Committee
FD - Fire Department
NH DOT - NH Dept. of Transportation
NHMA - NH Municipal Association
OAMH -Old Allenstown Meeting House
PD - Police Department
RSA - Revised Statutes Annotated (state laws)
TA - Town Administrator
Due to the somewhat poor acoustics of the meeting room, echoing, and occasional mumbling, some discussions were difficult to hear clearly. Check the official minutes to get more details.
If any details were incorrectly reported, please advise the web master (not the bear).  |
BOS Meeting on Dec. 27, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Chair McDonald said Mr. Frascinella asked him to report that they had their Christmas Lighting Ceremony at the Community Center on Dec. 18 and it went really well with ARD people sponsoring a bake sale and the ARD school Chorus singing Christmas carols. The awards were punctuated by the fact that the gift cards handed out were donated by Sully's Market, Aubuchon Hardware, and the Suncook River Convenience Store.
- New Police Officer The BOS approved the hiring of Brian Rembis who would be attending the February session of the Police Academy.
- Police Dept. Grant Lt. Dawn Shea said they were approved for a NH Homeland Security grant of $9500 for a trailer for their new HRVs. The BOS accepted the grant.
- AES, ARD schools and fields The board review AES utility expenses and discussed items that would need repairs. Mr. Arsenault noted that nearby towns had successfully converted old schools to town offices and business space. The building looked in decent shape and they would not have to adhere to the strict requirements for school use.
Mr. Goodine had two warrant articles for the Budget Committee to consider that dealt with a capital reserve fund for repairs and one for purchasing the property. The BOS approved sending those warrant articles to the Budget Committee.
- Tree removal They had a quote from Collins Tree Service for $4615 to remove four dead trees, with funds to come fro the Highway Dept. This was approved.
- Building Permits for New School The current list of fees was over $150,000 and the BOS decided to hold off on them for now. Another item was whether the school needed the planned 120 parking spaces.
- Engineering Services The Board was looking to send out a Request for Proposal (RFP) for these services for town projects.
- Coronavirus The virus was predicted to peak in mid-January and they needed to plan for in-person vs remote attendance at meetings.
- TA Report The Rail Trail downtown needed some cleanup of barbed wire, shrubs, and dead trees. Locations for bridges were identified.
- The TA asked for a motion to find another Admin to replace Dawna Baxter within 90 days. Approved.
- An Employee and Committee Appreciation Party was discussed. A date of Saturday Jan. 22 and a budget of $500.00 was approved.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the minutes for Dec. 27.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Dec. 13, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Chairman McDonald notes that the EDC was to have its awards ceremony for the Christmas Light Contest on Dec. 18 at 4 p.m. at the Community Center
- FD Hires & Appointments The Fire Chief discussed new hires. Two candidates are in process and would hopefully be ready shortly. The BOS accepted the resignation of Jake Weisenborn who moved out of town before his start date. Benjamin Savage was hired as a Per Diem Firefighter.
- FD Pumper Repairs An update was given on repairs to the FD Pumper Truck which were still ongoing.
- FD Boat Auction The Fire Chief sought an OK to auction a 1993 boat that has been replaced. The BOS approved.
- Building Inspector Agreement An updated agreement with Pembroke was reviewed. This concerned one town providing inspection coverage when the other town's inspector was unavailable for any legitimate reason. Adjustments were made to the agreement.
- China Mill and Hillsbrook Village Mr. Arsenault said that the Mill conversion seemed to be on schedule and Hillsbrook Village seemed to be several weeks behind schedule.
- School buildings and properties Future use of the old school buildings and properties was discussed. The school district has offered AES to the town. It might be used for town offices and space leased to businesses. The BOS asked the TA and Building inspector to assess the cost of necessary building repairs (e.g., heating, electricity, A/C, and plumbing) before they accept the building.
- American Rescue Act Funds The TA said that the road agent would be bringing proposals to upgrade storm drainage on Ferry St. and Mt. Delight Rd.
- TA Report The TA said that the state approved the town's economic revitalization zone. The school budget was still showing a big loss. The state was to start renovating the Route 28 bridge in the Spring. Construction of the ice skating rink was still under way. The Memorandum of Understanding for the rink was signed by the school district and the BOS. He said the BOS should accept a $3500 grant for the Library to purchase new computer equipment, which they did.
- Road Agent Report The BOS approved the hiring of William Lacerte for the Highway Department. The BOS approved getting bids to take down four dead trees around town, encumbering funds from this year's budget. The road agent was also looking to encumber funds for paving some roads next year, which the BOS approved.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the minutes for Nov. 29.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Nov. 29, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments The deadline for the Christmas Lighting Contest was extended to Dec. 4 and the Dec. 18 awards ceremony was to include caroling and a bake sale.
- Fireworks Ordinance The BOS gave thoughtful consideration to this draft ordinance. They also heard comments from the Fire Chief and Police Chief that the ordinance was likely to be unenforceable. At the end, the BOS tabled consideration of the ordinance.
- Fire Truck Pumper Repairs The repairs were tentatively scheduled and would take about a week and a half. The repairs would add about 5 useful years to the pumper. The BOS approved an expense not to exceed $20,000.
- Sharing Building Inspector The BOS discussed a proposal from Pembroke to provide coverage when one town's inspector was off duty for any legitimate reason. One concern was why did Pembroke propose this when they have an inspector and can call on former inspectors for backup. There were also unknowns like payment method (per hour or per inspection). The TA would work with Mr. Arsenault to revise the agreement and contact Pembroke.
- Future Use of School Fields The TA suggested that the BOS start talking to the school district about future use of AES, ARD, and the school land. Town Hall might consider a move to AES. He suggested contacting an appraiser to get an idea of whether the buildings could be repurposed.
- Tire Disposal The road agent reported that it was getting harder to dispose of tires, propane tanks, and other material. Disposal fees might have to increase in 2022. He planned to revise the fees schedule so that tax money would not needed to cover disposal costs.
- Emergency Management trailer There was a mice infestation and the trailer needed to be moved to the fire station.
- Town Budget Update The Budget Committee was planning to review the town and sewer dept. budgets on Dec. 16.
- Rescue Act Funds The TA noted that many towns were struggling to determine proper use of the funds. Stormwater funding might be a possible use.
- TA Report Several smaller items were mentioned.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the minutes for Nov. 15.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Nov. 15, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Due to the numerous items in the TA's report last time, Mr. Frascinella asked if the TA could add the items to future agendas and thus set expectations for the BOS and attendees. The TA mentioned that several of those items came in too late to get on the agenda but he would take the suggestion into consideration.
- EDC Membership Brandon Turner, who joined in June, resigned due to the demands of his business. The BOS appointed Richard Caruso to the EDC, term expiring in June 2024.
- Rescue Act Funds The TA would be attending a meeting to discuss what other towns might be doing with the funds. (Cappuccino and Canolis?)
- FD Issues Interim Chief, Eric Lambert, was commended by Selectman McKenney as a good choice for Fire Chief. He said repairs are needed on one fire truck. Finance Director, Debbie Bender, suggested performing repairs this year instead of waiting till next year when costs might be higher. Also, the BOS appointed Eric to fill the empty slot on the Tri-Town EMS Board of Directors.
- TA Report:
-There would be a lot merger hearing at the next meeting.
-The town clerk and road agent were at home recovering from the Wuhan Virus.
-The sum of $150,000 would be moved from the Unassigned Fund Balance (UFB = unspent taxes from last year) to the general fund to flatten the 2022 town tax rate. The proposed 2022 town budget was $4,506,630 and the default budget was $4,438,100. This was a $158,890 (3.6%) increase over 2021. The transfer from the UFB would virtually pay for the increase.
- The school budget would not be known until it was presented to the Budget Committee for review in December.
- Road Agent Report The TA reported that the final layer of pavement was put down on Library St.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the minutes for Oct. 27 and Nov. 1.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Nov. 1, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments EDC Chairman Michael Frascinella reviewed the winners of the Halloween Lighting Contest. Rich Caruso expressed a willingness to join the EDC. The TA needed to determine the status of the previous volunteer, Brandon Turner, who joined in June but has been unable to attend meetings.
- Revitalization Zone This needed to be renewed every five years. It offered specific incentives to businesses. They would need to expand their business in a revitalization zone and create jobs to receive tax credits. The BOS approved the renewal.
- Discussion with School District School Board Chair Kris Raymond and Superintendent Peter Warburton attended. The BOS was concerned that undesirable things like CRT or the 1619 Project need to be kept out of the Allenstown schools. Mr. Warburton said that CRT was not being promoted even at the state level.
The use of the word "equity" in the new school's Vision Statement was a strong concern to Mr. McDonald and several residents. Mr. Warburton said they had not been aware of the political impact of the term, but to them it was meant to convey the idea of opportunity.
Mr. Frascinella asked if the school district could add brief explanations of the four "guidepost" terms (Excellence, Equity, Empowered, Innovative) to their Vision Statement. This seemed agreeable.
- The TA mentioned that the ice rink being developed on the ASRD field and Ms. Raymond said it was a great idea.
- Traffic to the new school - Mr. McDonald asked if they could route traffic so as to avoid congestion on River Rd. and Granite St. The school reps. said they would notify the project manager of this concern.
- Harness Horse Rd. was another concern since it was considered too narrow for turning busses.
- Ms. McKenney said it was going to be very difficult for residents to pay next year's tax bill. Ms. Raymond said they would need to work with the legislature to improve education funding.
- A few other issues were mentioned before the discussion finally ended and the school reps. departed.
- Lot Merger The homeowner still needed to do a title search so the issue was tabled until the next meeting.
- Rescue Act Funds The TA attended a webinar on the subject. Also, the state legislature was working on a bill to expand the uses for the funds, perhaps for roads and sidewalks.
- Road Agent's Report
- Mr. Pelissier was determining paving projects for 2022.
- Pembroke Water Works installed the new water line for the ice rink from Library St. to the front left side of town hall.
- A few dead trees needed to be removed: one at Chester Tpke. and Granite St. and another on Granite St.
- There were three candidates for the Highway Dept. opening.
- Lincoln St. - The owner of a new lot requested that a bond be released. After some discussion, the BOS released it.
- Library St paving - A final top coat of paving still needed to be applied, weather permitting.
- Town Administrator's Report
- The BOS approved a Nov. 9th raffle at St. John's Church.
- Tax abatements - Money was due to some businesses due to overpayment. This was approved.
- Christmas in the Village - A Dec. 5th event was being planned by the Pembroke Women's Club. Chair McDonald proposed donating $300 to the cause as they had done previously.
- Winter Carnival - The TA floated this idea for the EDC. It would be an event at the new ice rink after it was operational.
- Avitar Associates - They submitted an assessment report which the BOS accepted.
- Requisition for Grant Writer - THe BOS approved $1500 to hire First Responder Grants to help the town acquire grant funding.
- FD protective clothing - The BOS approved $3,000 to replace jackets, pants, and boots for several firefighters.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the minutes for October 18.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Oct. 18, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Frascinella, EDC Chairman, announced the newest Hometown Hero Banner for Captain George Gordon, our one and only Civil War veteran.
- A family moving from Fanny Drive asked permission to temporarily use an adjacent town lot while packing their belongings. Permission was granted.
- Ice Skating Rink Mr. Frascinella and Road Agent Pelissier requested an additional $1000 for plumbing inside town hall and for a fill pipe out to the ARD field. Pembroke Water Works could not do that part of the project. Funds would come from the Parks & Recreation Capital Reserve Fund. Work was to be done in 1-2 weeks. The Board approved the request.
- Blueberry Express Sign The BOS congratulated Boy Scout Ashton Temple and Historical Society President Armand Verville for crafting and installing the new sign. Chairman Scott McDonald presented each one with a framed Certificate of Appreciation.
- Old Time Baseball Game Over 150 people attended this exhibition game on Sunday Oct. 17. Teams came from Maine and Massachusetts to play ball using 1860s rules and NO GLOVES.
- Interim Fire Chief The BOS appointed Eric Lambert to this position, replacing retiring Chief Paul St. Germain.
- Avitar 2022 Revaluation The BOS approved a contract for $70,225 which included the cost of a bond as insurance against loss.
- BOS Rules of Procedure These were rules governing BOS activities and procedures. They revised the Citizen's Comments to 5 minutes per person.
- Renewal of Economic Revitalization Zone A hearing would be scheduled for Nov. 1st.
- Reversal of Lot Merger A hearing would be scheduled for Nov. 29 concerning a lot at the corner of Cross St. and Reserve St.
- Rescue Act Funds The TA met with the school board and the Sewer Dept. about extending sewer and water lines along River Rd. to the new school. An estimate of a minimum of $2.5 million plus the need for a pumping station put this project out of the reach for the town and school board. An onsite well and septic system is the only other alternative.
- TA Report The following items were covered.
- An abatement for a mobile home in Bear View Crossing (formerly Holiday Acres) was approved.
Disbursements - Four requests were made to the Trustees to move funds from capital reserve accounts into the general fund.
- Zoning Board Fees Brian Arsenault requested approval of a set of fees for a variance application. After some discussion, the BOS approved them.
- Road Agent's Report
- A resident at the end of Lincoln St. asked that snow be piled farther down the road.
- The new wheeled excavator was being used to mow grass edges along Deerfield Rd.
- Liaisons with town depts. Selectman McKenney suggested that each selectman keep in touch with a specific town department to better understand their operations and needs.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the minutes for Oct. 4.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Oct. 4, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments None
- 2020 Audit The auditor made several recommendations but overall gave the town a decent rating.
- Police Dept. Personnel The BOS and PD interviewed four candidates and recommended one to the chief.
- Fire Dept. Personnel Steve Laporte was appointed full-time firefighter to replace Evan McIntosh.
- Assessing Records Ron and Diane Adinolfo asked the BOS for help with zoning details about a home that they were selling and which had an in-law apartment.
- Paving Update Repairs to the water lines were finally completed and the street was finally paved last week.
- Highway Dept. Employee The employee who recently resigned offered to work as a per diem plow truck driver.
- Budget Comm. Appointment No action was taken since this committee appoints its own members.
- Interim Fire Chief The BOS appointed Eric Lambert to replace retiring Chief Paul St. Germain.
- Economic Revitalization Zone No action taken.
- Budget Discussion No action taken.
- American Rescue Act Funds No details noted.
- New School The School Board had a meeting with the heads of the Sewer Dept. about the feasibility of extending River Road water and sewer lines to the new school. A rough estimate seemed to be over $3 million, which was probably more than the school or the town could afford.
- Paving Main St. The State DOT has Main St. in Allenstown on its 10-year road project list. The repaving date was yet to be determined.
- Park Sign The Blueberry Express Park sign has been installed on the front lawn of town hall. Armand Verville and the Boy Scout were to be at the next BOS meeting to report on their project.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the minutes for Sept. 20.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Sept. 20, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Michael Frascinella spoke about a memo he had previously sent to the board questioning the use of the term "equity" in the Vision Statement on the New School web site. This has become a politically loaded word born out of Marxist/Socialist rhetoric meaning "equal outcome." There have been disturbing statements from the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA) that seem to favor a Marxist approach to education. Sometimes called Critical Race Theory, this political agenda flies on the face of American ideals.
He pointed out that the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution state that we are equal before God and equal before the law but nothing about "equity." He asked the board to discuss what action they might take to thwart the political agendas that are working to subvert local education systems.
Selectman Klawes said he was not for or against the statements but felt that the Select Board had no power over the school board and that Mr. Frascinella should present his opinions at a school board meeting. After further discussion, Chairman McDonald got consensus to request the school board to attend a BOS meeting so that questions about the school vision statement, CRT, and other related topics could be answered.
- Fire Department New Members Chief St. Germain introduced new Probationary Call Firefighters: Jacob Weisenborn and Nicholas Thibedeau.
- Police Department Personnel Update Chief Stark said he was advertising for candidates since two of his officers moved to the Sheriff's office.
- Road Agent's Report One employee has resigned so the Road Agent sought to hire a candidate who had a CDL license or was willing to get one. The problem was that in six months, the feds would require towns to pay for employees seeking a CDL license. This could cost up to $7,000 for a six month course.
- Granite St. was nearing completion and would be paved soon.
- Fire Truck Auction Chief St. Germain was amazed at the high bids for two old forestry vehicles.
A 1952 forestry truck got a bid of $13,350 and a 1986 forestry truck got a bid of $9,450. The BOS approved the sale of the trucks.
- TA Report The TA told the school district they needed to talk to the sewer dept. about the feasibility of installing sewer and water lines to the new school. Selectman McKenney said she would like to use the federal Rescue Act funds for town related projects instead.
- A new Blueberry Express Park sign would soon be installed on the town hall lawn.
- The U.S COLA was about 5.3% but seemed to be dropping. The BOS would need to decide soon about the allowed percentage increase for department employees for 2022. That might be as high as 4%
- A notice went out to 27 property owners about losing their property for back taxes if they failed to apply for a payment plan.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the minutes for Sept. 7 and Sept. 13.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Sept. 7, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments None
- Public Hearing for Acceptance of ARPA Funds For federal American Rescue Act funds of $465,555 and Dept. of Justice Grant for Allenstown PD for $39,000. The TA said that the second half of the Rescue Act funds would be made available next June. Chief Stark stated that the PD grant was for a drone and a side-by-side ATV.
- Acceptance of Preceding Two Funds The BOS voted to accept both funds.
- Blueberry Express Park sign Ashton, the Boy Scout who volunteered for the project, was working with Armand Verville to complete it. The total cost would be $60.00 including donated materials. The signboard would be painted white with black lettering and located on the lawn near School St.
- Volunteers Park Fall Usage The new fencing arrived and would be used to divide the field into two sections.
- Update on Rescue Act Funds The use of these funds is still TBD. The TA had spoken to the school district about extending sewer and water lines to the new school but the school had not discussed the idea with Jeff Backman, Superintendent of the Sewer Dept.
- TA Report There was to be an Open House at the sales office for Hillsbrook Village on Friday Sept. 10 from 1-4 p.m.
- The town received surplus cleaning supplies, chairs, space heaters, masks, and gloves from the State.
- The Fire Chief put the old fire trucks up for sale.
- The TA sent the BOS a Union Leader article about the assisted living facility and the mill conversion.
- The BOS approved the nomination of Ron Eisenhart and Denise Dubois as Health Officer and Deputy Officer.
- The BOS discussed asking School Superintendent Peter Warburton to come to a Select Board Meeting to discuss the new school.
- The TA asked Principal Krueger about having a movie night in the AES or ARD gym. She said that was possible.
- The TA was going to publish a warning notice for the delinquent tax payers who would be facing forfeiture soon.
- Mr. Arsenault said that interior walls were being installed in the China Mill.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the minutes for August 23, 2021.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Aug. 23, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Frascinella reported on the August 15 concert and read some positive comments about the renovated gazebo from his wrapup on allentown-alt.org. Keith Klawes congratulated the Girl Scouts for the great job they did on the gazebo and the town hall sign.
- Highway Asset Management John Jackman of Hoyle Tanner explained the Asset Management Program for Allenstown. The first step was to take an inventory of the town's stormwater management assets and also streetlight locations. After assets were inspected and evaluated, then repairs and maintenance could be scheduled.
A mission statement stated the level of service to be provided. The Highway Dept. web page included a link called "MS4-Stormwater Pollution Controls and Education--Think Blue Suncook." That link lead to thinkbluesuncook.org, a web site that was a partnership between Allenstown, Pembroke, and CNHRPC. Funding Strategy involved planning for needed maintenance and expansion.
- 2022 Townwide Revaluation Assessor Evan Roberge explained the process of reevaluating the town. Right now, current assessments are about 70% of current sale prices. The State required revaluation to 100% to be done every five years. Once a year, part of the town would undergo date collection (not revaluation) and all properties would be reassessed in year five based on all the data collected in the preceding years. If there were property improvements, that would increase the assessment.
- Grant for State Park Patrols Postponed.
- PD Spending Chief Stark said they applied for a $39,000 grant for a side-by-side vehicle and a drone. He also asked for $19,322.93 to be transferred from the Public Safety Facilities Fund to the General Fund to pay for the patrol room project. This request was approved.
- Usage of Volunteers Park The BOS discussed the current old plastic fence that separated each half of the ball field. The TA suggested getting new temporary fencing 4 ft. tall with support legs. The fence was needed to stop baseballs from being hit from one ball field into the other. The TA asked the BOS to approve up to $4,000 from the Parks & Rec. Capital Reserve Fund. This was approved.
- New School There was to be a closing on the land of interest sometime in September. The original dream was to install a well and a huge leach field on the property. The school district was now considering running water and sewer lines along River Rd. but the cost was yet to be determined. This could promote development of the vacant commercial/industrial properties along that road.
- Landfill Monitoring The town was evaluating a replacement company to do the testing at the town landfill. The BOS authorized a contract for $3625.00 with Monadnock Environmental Services.
- Rescue Act Funds These funds could possibly be used to extend water and sewer lines on River Rd.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the minutes
for the August 9th and August 16th meetings.
The next meeting would be on Tuesday Sept. 7th.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
- Next meeting is on Tuesday Sept. 7.
BOS Meeting on August 9, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Concert Update: EDC chairman Frascinella reported on the upcoming Aug. 15 concert. Still no food concession. The BOS suggested ordering pizzas and bottled water to be sold during the intermission. Mr. Frascinella agreed to order several pies from Olympus Pizza and the TA would get the bottle water.
Water Line for Ice Rink: Mr. Frascinella received an estimate from Matt Gagne of Pembroke Water Works. Total cost for a 2-inch water pipe with a 2-inch meter would be $2,714.87. Since they were not allowed to do inside plumbing, there would be an additional cost to install a water line and valves inside the town hall basement and to dig a trench for the outfall to the field where the rink would be located. Mr. Pelissier was gathering prices for that part of the project.
- Boys and Girls Club Postponed.
- Police Cruiser The chief was looking to purchase a new Dodge Durango instead of a Ford Explorer. The PD has purchased one car per year. After three years, each vehicle would be transferred to another town department.
- Wheel Loader Mr. Pelissier requested purchase of a wheeled excavator, smaller than their current backhoe. It would be very maneuverable and useful for roadside mowing. Some funds were available and Finance Director Bender recommended putting down $45,000 and getting a two year lease. The BOS approved the purchase of the machine with attachments.
- Finance Report The Finance Director reported that the mid-year town finances were in good shape.
- Hazard Mitigation Meetings The TA was to draft a contract for four meetings per year with CNHRPC to update the Hazard Mitigation Plan as needed.
- Volunteer Park Usage The dispute has been settled with an agreeable schedule. Also temporary fences would be used to separate the two fields along River Rd.
- Highway Block Grant The BOS accepted a block grant of about $87,800 from the State DOT for road work.
- 2022 Budget Discussions Initial 2022 department budgets were due by Sept. 30th. The BOS would review them starting in November.
- Labor Day Alternate An upcoming BOS meeting would fall on Labor Day, so Tuesday Sept. 7 was chosen instead.
- Coronavirus Update There have been discussions with the school district about whether they would use federal rescue funds to extend the sewer line to the new school location and what they plan to do for water. Chairman McDonald noted that an extended sewer line would benefit commercial/industrial property along that stretch of River Rd.
- Tax Payment Meeting The BOS would be holding meetings with people owing back taxes on August 16.
- TA report The town had received $232,770 in rescue funds from the feds and the state.
With a town revaluation due in 2022, the BOS decided to ask the Assessor to attend a meeting and discuss the situation and answer any questions.
For the potential strip mall near Family Dollar, a bank has expressed interest in the town.
The TA reported that Mr. Klawes had purchased a new grill for the school and they could possibly borrow it for town events.
The town would have to use paper building permits until a new online vendor could be found.
The TA would be meeting with an electrician to install a switch on the town hall flood light in time for Movie Night.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the minutes for July 27.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on July 26, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- School Funding Presentation This new item was presented by Doug Hall, board member of NH School Fairness Project. He discussed the state's responsibility for funding K-12 education. In 2019-2020, 62% of school funding came from property taxes. Of all 50 states, NH provides the smallest share of school funds.
He stated that the state had four main duties regarding school aid: 1) define an adequate education; 2) determine its cost, 3) fund it with constitutional taxes, and 4) ensure its deliverability through accountability.
To determine state aid, the state calculates the cost of several factors. The state's calculations showed that Allenstown would need only $2,612,892.00 but the actual school budget was over $11 million for 2021. But for the coming school year, the state eliminated the Fiscal Capacity Disparity Aid which amounted to $573,000 for Allenstown. The estimated 2022 state aid would be $4,345,916 which was $487,610 less than last year.
Property poor towns like Allenstown spend more per student than property rich towns like Moultonboro and Seabrook. He also claimed that more commercial development resulted in higher taxes.
There is a current lawsuit initiated by several towns charging that the current method for revenue sharing for school aid was unconstitutional.
- Citizen's Comments Next Michael Frascinella asked the Road Agent if speeders on Deerfield Road could be deterred by temporary speed bumps. He said the first two miles are state controlled and he doubted that the state would install speed bumps.
Heather Bolduc of Deerfield Rd. volunteered for the Parks & Rec. Commission. She had extensive experience with sports programs for children. The BOS happily approved the appointment.
Armand Verville thanked all the volunteers who made the July bake sale a success.
- Town Hall Sign Selectman Keith Klawes expressed thanks to the Girl Scouts for a great job repainting the town hall sign.
- FD Appointment Chief St. Germain appointed Jacob Weisenborn as a call fireman. Appointment approved.
- Signage on Main St. Bridge Kayla Hopkins spoke about the Webster Pembroke Project which sought permission to install interpretive signs and banners on the bridge to commemorate the old mill dam that had been partially removed to minimize flood damage. Banners at each end would say "Welcome to Pembroke" and Welcome to Allenstown." Selectman McDonald asked Mr. Frascinella to send Kayla the code for the color green we used on our Welcome banners. That would maintain our branding. The BOS approved the sign and Allenstown banner.
- Committee Changes Matt L'Heureux resigned from the ZBA and the Planning Board since he was moving out of town. Diane Adinolfo volunteered for ZBA and was approved. Dawna Baxter resigned from the ZBA. The BOS signed a document appointing Brandon Turner to the EDC as an alternate member.
- Wuhan Update The town would soon be receiving half the total federal aid via the State govt. One link off the NHMA web site was called GOFERR. It had a section describing allowed uses for the federal aid.
- Tax Payment Plan The BOS still needed to pick a date on which to meet the people who owed back taxes.
- TA Report A zoning workshop given by the town attorney was to be held on July 28 at the Community Center.
The BOS approved an agreement with Comcast for basic services for municipal offices.
A meeting was still needed to resolve use of Volunteers Park by the soccer and softball leagues.
The TA purchased a very durable 16 ft x 32 ft tent and 5-year protection plan for use at concerts. Cost was $877.00. It would be used for the August 15 concert.
- Road Agent's Report They rented a road widener to laying down material along the edges of newly paved roads. The water line on Granite St. was still under construction. Mr. Pelissier wanted to purchase an excavator (not a backhoe since that type of equipment was outdated) with several attachments to do work currently contracted out. A new machine would coat about $150,000. He found a slightly used Volvo Excavator with only 172 hours on it and all the attachments for $107,200. He said to postponed constructing a building due to the current high cost of materials.The BOS approved the purchase of the Volvo machine.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the minutes for July 12.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on July 12, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Frascinella reminded all of the August 15 concert but stated that they have not yet found anyone to run the food concession.
- Appointments The following appointments were made. George Lemiere (sp?) was appointed to the Zoning Board. Brandon Turner volunteered for the EDC and was appointed. The BOS also voted to establish a five-member limit on memebers of the Parks & Recreation Commission. Lieut. Nathan Campbell was sworn in as a police officer by Lieut. Beth Tower. He recently relocated here from Indiana.
- Public Hearing on Comcast Franchise Discussion was confined to the cable TV service. Mr. Frascinella stated that the Comcast TV remote controller was an inferior design to that of DirecTV, which he had used for years until Comcast offered better pricing. The design of the Comcast remote's buttons made them harder to use than the DirecTV remote. Selectman Mc Donald asked why customers cannot pick and choose the channels they wanted. The Comcast rep. said there were some FCC restrictions in the way. After a bit more dsicussion, the renewal was approved.
- Wuhan Update The TA submitted an application for the federal recovery funds.
- Parks & Recreation Commmission A few people have expressed interest. The BOS voted to allow up to five members on this commission.
- School Funding Fairness Project Selectman McDonald asked that this private organization attend a BOS meeting to explain how state revenue for schools is currently allocated and why Allenstown's share is slowly decreasing. The School Board and Budget Committee would be invited.
- Zoning Board Do-Over It was determined that all abutters were not properly notified about the request to rezone 36-acre lot 105-003 from Commercial/Light Industrial to Residential. This lot is on Route 28 adjacent to Casella's property at Lavoie Drive. The hearing was declared invalid and the requestor would have to submit a new application to the ZBA.
- Road Agent Report A local contractor graciously replaced the deteriorated roof on the brick house near the double decker bridge. The work was done at no charge to the town. The Highway Dept. was still cleaning catch basins.
- TA Report He confirmed with Mr. Frascinella that Hillsbrook Village decided to be good neighbors and offered to fund the August Concert.
The BOS signed purchase forms for the rail trail parcels. They also approved the transfer of $17,900 from the Parks & Recreation Capital Reserve Fund to the general fund for the purchase of the three rail trail lots.
Madear's Restaurant on Main St., Pembroke was to have a grand opening on July 23rd. They would be offering Cajun style dinners and baked goods.
- Town Hall Floodlight Eversource approved a switch so the floodlight could be turned off during movie night, but the town would have to pay to have it installed.
- Bake Sale Results They reported sales of $666.00 for the meeting house.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the minutes for June 28.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on June 28, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Appointments The BOS appointed a few people to various positions.
- Swearing-in Ceremony Everyone adjourned to the parking lot where Chief Paul St.Germain officiated amidst a large gathering of family and friends. He first swore in Ian McFarland as full-time Firefighter. He then swore in Steven Laporte as Fire Lieutenant. Each ceremony was met with happy applause.
- Gazebo Renovation After returning inside the town hall, members of Girl Scout Troop 2060 explained their wish to do the work of renovating the gazebo in order to achieve their Girl Scouts Silver Award. Mr. Frascinella stated that the EDC has been studying its complete replacement with a larger structure for concerts. The BOS decided to allow the Girl Scout project and allocated $350.00 for materials. The Girl Scouts also agreed to repaint the faded wooden sign near the street.
- Cable TV Contract There would be a public hearing on July 12.
- Wuhan Virus Update The TA announced that the American Rescue "Boondoggle" Act has allocated $465,000 for Allenstown. The whole state was to received $112 million for non-metropolitan cities and towns for which they coined the acronym NEU (Non-Entitlement Units). The BOS approved a motion to accept the funds under RSA 3195b.
For more information, go to the NH Municipal Asssociation site (American Rescue Act Information site) for a plethora of bureaucratic documents. One of the Quick links, GOFERR website for NEUs, has a listing of allowed uses of the funds. Part way down the Rescue Act Information site web page, look for a link to the U.S. Treasury site called Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) Fact Sheet. On page 2 and 3, it describes "Uses of Funding." These should help the Town Administrator figure out legitimate ways in which we can use the funds.
- Repurpose the AES School Selectman Klawes made a motion to start negotiating with the School Board to use the AES school as a new town hall, and possible rent/lease the old town hall for use as professional offices. This was approved.
- Citizen's Comments (delayed) Mr. Frascinella reviewed the June 27 concert which went very well despite temps in the 90s. About 55 people came to hear Green Heron perform really great bluegrass music. They even paid homage to the Blueberry Express Railroad with a superb rendition of that bluegrass classic called "The Orange Blossom Special."
- Tax Payment Plan The people who were behind in tax payments needed to be interviewed to determine whether a payment plan would help them. Currently there are 7-9 properties involved. Possible requirements might be for the residents to submit financial records so the BOS could determine each resident's financial accountability.
- TA Report The TA mentioned the progress on the China Mill and the assisted living facility, now called Hillsbrook Village.
- Road Agent Report Library St. was to be paved, but the road agent asked to expend $3500 from the Highway Dept. budget to finish the "Y" intersection at the Main St. end. This was approved. Catch basin cleaning was taking longer because of the requirements in the MS4 regulations. A new water line was to be installed on Granite St. from Rite Aid to Valley St.
- Gas Grill for town events Selectman Keith Klawes proposed purchasing a commercial gas grill for use at town events like the concerts. He mentioned one suitable model that included a 72-inch long cooking surface with two propane tanks for $5420.00. He would search for other comparable units and report back.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the minutes for June 14.
- The meeting then went into non-public session, possibly to question the Zoning Board about a recent boneheaded zoning decision.
BOS Meeting on June 14, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Armand Verville, President of the Historical Society, noted that this was the ninth year for BOS meetings at the Meeting House, built in 1816-1821. The site was originally used for local church services and for public meetings. The building is the only one in New Hampshire with benches on slanted floors.
After many fund raising events, extensive repairs were completed in 2013. Due to nearby tree harvesting in 2018, wind patterns changed and snow loads increased on the roof, requiring the hiring of contractors to remove deep snow. In Nov. 2019, installation of a new metal roof eliminated that problem.
- Ice Skating Rink Michael Frascinella (EDC) and Derik Goodine (TA) requested up to $8,000 for an ice rink kit and related equipment. One side topic was how to protect the vinyl liner from sharp objects under the soil. Mr. Pelissier (Road Agent) discussed the need to install a new water line from School St. to town hall to be used to fill and resurface the ice rink. Mr. Frascinella recommended using funds from the Parks & Recreation Capital Reserve Fund. The BOS approved the motion to purchase the ice rink equipment. The EDC would send a letter to Pembroke Water Works asking for a quote on the cost for the water line. This would be presented as a separate motion at a later date.
- Cable TV Franchise postponed.
- Wuhan Virus Update Chief Stark spoke about using some funds for a drone and a two-seat ATV for patrolling the state park. There was a bit of discussion about a new vs a used drone. The TA asked for a motion to accept whatever federal funding we may get. This was approved.
- TA Report He mentioned several small items dealing with various town departments.
- Highway Dept. Report Catch basins were to be cleaned. Now that the Library St. sewer line was completed, a base coat was to be applied.
- Bake Sale This fund raising event for the meeting house would be on Friday July 2nd from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the minutes for June 7.
- The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. with non-public session required.
BOS Meeting on June 7, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments None
- Bridge on Route 28 NH DOT officials gave a presentation about the upcoming bridge renovations.
- Town Hall Hours Town Hall will be closed on Monday July 5th for the holiday. From July 6 to 8, the town clerk and the tax collector would not be accepting walk-ins. You would need to utilize the online services, the drop box outside, or the U.S. mail.
- Fire Dept. Personnel Chief St. Germain discussed the firefighter candidate and a promotion he was working on.
- Cable TV Renewal The BOS needed to review the new franchise contract that Comcast proposed.
- Wuhan Virus Update The TA was still waiting for confirmation of the size of federal "Rescue Act" funding to be disbursed to Allenstown and the restrictions on its use.
- Annual Meeting at OAMH This would take place on Deerfield Rd. on June 14 at 6 p.m.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the minutes for May 17.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on May 17, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Frascinella mentioned the yard sale and the Flags for Forgotten Heroes Ceremony at the Police Station, which both took place on May 15th. The first concert was to be on May 23rd featuring Nicole Knox Murphy. The next veterans' event was to be the POW/MIA flag raising at several town locations on May 22nd.
- Playing Fields' Dispute The head of the Girls' Softball League spoke about concerns over use of the ball fields this summer.
- Police Dept. Hiring The police chief found an excellent candidate, a former Marine, but he was currently moving here from Indiana. Once here he would go to the Police academy. The chief planned to have him attend an upcoming BOS meeting.
- Fire Dept. Hiring The fire Chief submitted paperwork for a candidate who would fill the need for a full-time firefighter.
- Cable TV Renewal a public hearing would be needed for a five-year agreement. The TA said there was a limited ability to negotiate the TV services.
- Wuhan Virus Update For the federal boondoggle called the CARES Act, it was still not clear as to how it cold be used. New guidelines were due out soon. The CDC also announced that fully vaccinated people no longer needed to wear a mask indoors or outdoors. Finally!
- Meeting at OAMH The BOS meeting on June 14 would be at the Old Allenstown Meeting House.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the minutes for May 3rd.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on May 3, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
Selectman Jim Roger was absent.
- Missing Man Ceremony Members of Rolling Thunder NH conducted a ceremony on the town hall lawn in which they dedicated a specially designed chair in memory of all our POWs and MIAs.
- Appointments The BOS appointed Steve Laporte to the Zoning Board.
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Frascinella read a letter from LeeAnn DelMonte of Deerfield Rd. requesting action on speeding cars and truck traffic and a complaint about speeders from the new owner of Bear Brook Stables at Deerfield & Podunk Roads. The BOS was asked if they could post reduced hours for truck traffic, such as 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
- Police Dept. updates Chief Stark discussed tactics to attract and retain officers. One tactic was to offer a signing bonus of $10,000 to be paid out in installments. The BOS approved.
- Fire Dept. Appointments Fire Chief St. Germain submitted names for deputy fire wardens - Approved. The new Forestry Truck has bee delivered.
- FD Hiring Update Two candidates were interested in the one full-time opening.There was one candidate for call firefighter.
- Rail Trail Land The lots have been purchased. The next step would be to determine the work needed to clear brush and create the trail.
- Wuhan Virus Update The TA mentioned some changes in the virus guidelines.
- Annual Meeting at OAMH This would be on June 14 at 6 p.m. at the Old Meeting House on Deerfield Rd.
- TA Report Property reevaluation would begin in 2022. Jaffrey was working on a town broadband project. North Conway was working on a large solar array on private land.
- Road Agent Report Several roads were to be paved. The Road Agent was looking for a lower estimate for the water line to the ice skating rink.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the minutes for April 5 and April 19.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on April 19, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Michael Frascinella mentioned that the Allenstown Self-Storage facility had started constructing the new sheds that were approved last year. The Twin Oaks Campground in under new ownership as Suncook River Family Camp and extensive renovations were ongoing.
Deerfield Rd. issues The police chief has been scheduling extra speed patrols there. When residents asked about posting a load limit, the TA said that applied only if the road was being damaged by the heavy trucking. The road agent said he could install more prominent speed limit signs. Resident LeAnn DelMonte spoke of the safety issues due to the truck traffic.
- Appointments The BOS approved several appointments to various boards and committees.
- Rail Trail Land A closing on the properties was to be on April 21.
- Forestry Vehicle Deputy Fire Chief Lambert said the forestry truck was ready and all that was needed was a check to complete the purchase.
- Inspection Fees The Building Inspector said that fees were to be assessed per unit. For a sign with lettering on both sides, that was to be counted as two signs.The BOS approved the fee changes on web based permits.
- Wuhan Update Gov. Sununu ended the mask mandate but businesses could still set their ow requirements. The town might be receiving $440,000 from the federal virus relief boondoggle fund. Funding was available until 2024 but stipulations on its usage were not yet known.
- OAMH The annual selectmen's meeting was set for June 14 instead of May 31 (Memorial Day).
- Transfer of CRF money In March, voters approved numerous transfers to capital reserve funds. The BOS was to approve the transfers from the Unassigned Fund (CRF) balance to the CRFs.
- TA Report The new minute transcriber resigned due to health issues. He was to interview a new candidate soon.
- Legislature The TA mentioned several bills in the legislature including one that apparently allowed firearms on town property. HB2 would cut some funding for cities and towns. Mr. McDonald said he would demand that Senator Reagan stop this bill in the Senate. The school construction grant might be in jeopardy.
- Road Agent Report Eversource was to replace the wooden high tension towers running from Pembroke through Allenstown with steel towers. The BOS approved this.
- Historic Brick Building The building near the double-decker bridge has been used by the Highway Dept. for equipment storage. It needed a new roof but funding was also needed. A metal roof had been approved by the state.
- Water for Ice Rink The road agent got an estimate of $2500 from Pembroke Water Works. He was looking for funding.
- Transfer Station Hours The road agent suggested increasing the Saturday hours due to increased resident visits. THe BOS approved Saturday hours of 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. from April to November. Mr. McDonald suggested to the road agent that we have a townwide street cleanup. Further discussion was needed.
- Parks & Recreation Selectman McKenney stressed the need for volunteers for this committee, especially for the task of managing the town ball fields. The TA mentioned a town owned lot at Route 28 & Bourque Rd. that might be usable as a ball field but it needed to be cleared of trees and developed.
- Meeting minutes None available
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Apr. 5, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
BOS Meeting on Mar. 22, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Frascinella displayed the Neighborhood News issue with his article about Optimus on the front page.
- New Selectmen Ms. McKenny gave Keith Klawes and Jim Rodger time to speak on why they ran for the Select Board. She then explained several guidelines that she hoped they would adhere to.
Ms. McKenney nominated Mr. McDonald as new Chairman which was approved 5-0. Ms. Higham next nominated Ms. McKenney as Vice Chairman which was approved 5-0.
- Committee Assignments The following assignments were approved:
EDC - Scott McDonald, alternate - Keith Klawes
Planning Board - Sandy McKenney, alternate - Scott McDonald
Budget Committee - Keith Klawes, alternate - Maureen Higham
OAMH - Maureen Higham, alternate - Jim Rodger
- Town Yard Sale Mr. Frascinella proposed that they organize one. He suggested Saturday May 15 and that advertising should being now. Mr. Klawes asked if people could use the town hall lawn. Ms. Higham stated that could leave the town liable for claims. A disclamer need to be added to the announcement. There would be no fee for this event.
The EDC would work with the Town Clerk to compile a list of all yard sale participants.
- EDC Initiatives Mr. Frascinella showed a sample online EDC calendar and Mr. Goodine showed how this could also be done with the town calendar. Mr. Frascinella said the EDC proposed spending $515 for 100 town seal branded face masks, to be sold at town hall. Mr. Klawes expressed concern about the expenditure. Mr. Frascinella offered to reconsider the issue at the next EDC meeting.
- Rail Trail Project This was still in progress.
- FD Fee Schedule Captain Evan McIntosh presented the proposed fee schedule. The intent was to recover some of the costs for time spent conducting commercial inspections. Mr. McDonald recommended tabling this so that the new selectmen could review it in a non-public session.
- Wuhan Update The TA reviewed the latest state guidelines.
- Rescue Act Funds The TA stated that the town should be receiving $440,000 from the $1.9 trillion federal boondoggle. Spending restrictions still needed to be determined.
- Hazardous Mitigation Plan The TA had submitted the plan to the NH government and FEMA for approval.
- TA Report The Library St. Sewer Project was still proceeding. St. John's Parish sent a bill for $500 for liability insurance to cover use of the parish hall for elections. The BOS approved.
- Tree Trimming Eversource was planning to trim trees near the power lines on Deerfield Rd.
- Highway Dept. Street sweeping was to start on May 17 with catch basin cleaning later. Roadside mowing was to be held off until the Fall. They would be soliciting bids for the sealing of road cracks as a way to preserve the roads. They also planned to remove dead trees and brush at the Pelissier Boat Launch.
- Beaver Problem These critters were frequently blocking a culvert on Mt. Delight Rd. causing water to flood the road. The Road Agent was looking for a safe way to remove them.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the minutes for March 8.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Mar. 8, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments The TA played a video of the Police Officers acting out the Y-M-C-A song to promote Special Olympics.
Mr Frascinella displayed a sample Allenstown face mask that the EDC is considering. He also expressed frustration with the town web design system.
- Rail Trail Project The town attorney was still working on the P&S Agreement.
- Fire Dept. Fee Schedule Tabled until March 22.
- Wuhan Virus Update The TA mentioned that the state was looking for volunteers to help administer vaccinations but the BOS would have to authorize this.
- USGS Stream Gauge The USGS would now pay for the maintenance of the flood gauge ($1600/yr) at the Route 28 bridge over the Suncook River.
- Highway Dept. The Road Agent asked to clear brush around town. He also asked to post certain load limit signs on the roads. The BOS approved.
- Minutes Transcriber The TA received several applications and hoped to interview candidates during the coming week.
- Bills in the Legislature The TA reviewed several bills of interest.
- Optimus Senior Living Mr. Frascinella mentioned a new feature article about the new assisted living facility.
- Local Officials Workshop This online workshop was to be offered by NHMA.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved minutes for Feb. 22.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Feb. 22, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments None
- Appointments The town clerk introduced two people to fill the part-time positions. Sarah Randlett would be the deputy clerk and Judy Silva would be the assistant clerk. Ron Adinolfo was willing to serve on the EDC. All appointments were approved.
- Hazardous Mitigation Plan The TA quickly reviewed the highlights of the 308-page plan. The BOS approved and signed a resolution to accept the plan.
- Abatement Approval This was for a mobile home that had been demolished.
- Wuhan Virus Update The TA discussed some new restrictions on travel.
- TA Report The meeting room had been reconfigured in preparation for the new 5-member board. Floor electrical outlets still needed to be relocated.
Kathy Donnelly resigned as meeting minutes transcriber so a replacement would be needed soon.
Construction was continuing on the new sewer line along Library St.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the minutes for February 8.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Feb. 8, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Frascinella asked that the voter list be reviewed and ineligible names be removed to insure the security and validity of the voter list. Currently a few thousand residents may be registered but only 300-500 actually ever vote. The TA was to contact the checklist people about is.
- Rail Trail Project Mr. McDonald read a resolution about purchasing the three downtown lots for part of the town's Rail Trail. These were to be purchased for their recreational and tourism benefits. The BOS approved the resolution.
- FD Fee Schedule This was postponed until March so that the new selectmen could consider the subject.
- FD Resignation A call firefighter submitted his resignation. It was accepted.
- 2021 Paving Bids Mr. Pelissier reviewed three bids from GMI Paving, Advanced Excavating, and Atlantic Asphalt Paving. The BOS approved the Advanced Excavating bid.
- HB 117 on Landfills This 2021 House bill would prohibit locating a landfill within two miles of a state park. The TA was opposed to the bill and the BOS agreed.
- Town Report The TA suggested using photos of the Hometown Hero Banners on the cover and asked Mr. Frascinella to obtain the photos from the vendor. This was completed the next day.
- Old Home Day It was uncertain as to whether the event will be held.
- Hazard Mitigation Plan A public hearing was to be held on the huge 308-page plan.
- Budget Update No news to report.
- TA Report Norma Caporale recently resigned, having moved out of town. The Town Clerk requested that the BOS hire two part-time people to work as backup clerks on different days. Ms. Caporale's resignation was accepted.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the minutes for Jan. 25.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Jan. 25, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
- Citizen's Comments Matt Seiler of Concord Hometown Heroes Banners explained a project in which they ask permission to display a large number of small American Flags to symbolize and raise awareness of the thousands of veterans who have been committing suicide each month. The display would last only one month and then move to another town. It was decided to use the Police Station for the display. Mr. Seiler would contact us when they had finalized a schedule of towns.
Mr. Frascinella displayed the new Welcome Banners, which were much appreciated. He also noted that the proposed new school might result in an additional $100,000 for busing children from downtown to the Dodge Rd. location. Lastly he spoke against the Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) funded organization (the Center for Technical and Civic Life) that tried to influence the election process nationwide by offering small grants for non-standard voting practices. The BOS agreed not to accept further grants from that group.
- Rail Trail Project Mike Tardiff, Director of the CNHRPC, spoke of a study to extend public transportation from Concord into Allenstown. Atty. Sharon Somers advised that we typically do a Brownfield Study to identify any chemical hazards in land being acquired. The seller would not allow this, selling the lots "as is." She said the BOS needed to determine if the risk was low. The Rail Trail reps said the chance of contamination was low so they recommended the purchase. Atty. Somers said the BOS should document their decision while she prepared a purchase & sale agreement with the seller.
- Returning Veteran Sgt. Huber is coming home from overseas. Selectman McKenney asked if all dept. heads could use their sign boards to welcome him home.
- FD Fees Two selectmen has not yet compared notes so the decision was postponed. Captain McIntosh noted that these fees would go into the general fund, not the Fire Dept. budget.
- Fire Dept. Vehicles The fire chief was not available so this topic was postponed.
- FD candidate The BOS reviewed the requirements of this position. Mr. Goodine questioned the high starting salary of $45,000.
- Budget Update The TA reviewed the NH Municipal Association's latest bulletin on state legislation and local funding.
- Wuhan Virus Update A new posted was placed on the front door with instructions on how to apply for a vaccination. The state was currently doing Phase 1B (those over 65).
- Election candidates January 29 was the last day to sign up for open positions.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the minutes for January 11.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.
BOS Meeting on Jan. 11, 2021
Agenda and related documents on town web site
This was the first meeting of the New Year.
- Citizen's Comments Mr. Frascinella mentioned www.rev.com as a web site that offered transcripts of public speeches, like the President's Jan. 6 speech. He mentioned a meeting with Bob Kelley of Optimus to discuss a news story about their new facility. Also, the new Welcome Banners have arrived and look good. They will be installed this Spring.
- Fire Dept. Fee Schedule Selectman McKenney still had misgivings about the prices. Selectman McDonald said he had studied it a bit but still needed to look at fee schedules in surrounding towns.
- Wuhan Virus Update Vaccines were being administered. The Town Moderator had established a procedure for the Jan. 16 town budget hearing. The town election was to be on March 9. There was some discussion about how to handle a large audience since the meeting is at the Parish hall.
- New Office Chairs The new chairs have arrived and the TA put funny name tags on them like Papa Bear, Mama Bear, Baby Bear, and Alt Bear.
- Mill Tour A Brady Sullivan rep was to take town officials on a guided tour of the mill interior.
- Town Budget Schedule The TA reviewed the remaining events to take place before the election.
- Town Meeting Warrant The BOS was to meet briefly on Jan. 20 to officially sign the document.
- Meeting minutes The BOS approved the minutes for December 28, 2020.
- The meeting then went into non-public session.