November 3, 2020 Presidential Election
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Town Hall
16 School St.
Allenstown, NH

Check town web site for current business hours.

The following candidates ran for state and national offices on the Allenstown ballot. This list is valid for Allenstown only in Congressional Distict 2. For ballots for other towns, or for lists of voting districts, see the State links to the right.

Voting took place at St. John's Parish Hall in School St. and via Absentee ballot.

Make sure your vote gets counted by appearing in person. Don't depend on the Postal Service to get your Absentee ballot there on time. Avoid the potential for unscrupulous people to steal your ballot and vote for their candidates.

Important Date:
General Election – November 3, 2020

Major Candidates on the Allenstown Ballot

(Underlining indicates the winner.)

Donald Trump (R)      Joe Biden (D)    [still in dispute]

U.S. Senator
Corky Messner (R)      Jeanne Shaheen (D)

U.S Congressional District 2
Steve Negron (R)      Ann McLane Kuster (D)

Chris Sununu (R)      Dan Feltes (D)

Executive Council District 4
Ted Gatsis (R)      Mark Mackenzie (D)

State Senate District 17
John Reagan (R)      Nancy Fraher (D)

State Representative District 22
Matthew Pitaro (R)      David Coolidge (D)

State Representative District 29
Carol McGuire (R)      Miriam Cahill-Yeaton (D)

Candidates on the Pembroke ballot:
Districts and candidates are the same as for Allenstown except for the following:

State Representative District 20

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