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Town Hall
16 School St.
Allenstown, NH

Check town web site for current business hours.


Business facts first | Goods and services | Most popular product or service | Why Allenstown? | Community outreach | Plans for the near future

Mark completed steps with a √.

√ Interview the business owner and record the conversation.

√ Copy this template file stored in the spotlight-series subfolder and name it after the specific business. Edit the "title" tag, the "subbanner" tag, and the page heading tag.

In the "Related Sites" panel, add a link to the business's web site or Facebook site.

Take photos of the owner and the facility.

Add content and photos based on the informal interview.

One completed, delete these instructions, upload the draft to the web site, and get the business contact to review it for comments.

Add final edits, upload the final version to the web, and send mail to the Alt lists.

Copy the completed story to the town Spotlight web page.

Business Facts First

This business is located at [street address]. [owner/manager name] is the business owner.

[EDIT THESE DETAILS] The business is open Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturday, 7:30 a.m. to 12 noon.

[EDIT THESE DETAILS] For inquiries, call 603-???-????, send an e-mail to business name, visit the web site, or visit the Facebook site.

Ask how long in business?

Goods and Services

Use notes from interview. Use [EDC] prefix for reporter, use [business initials] prefix for business owner's comments.

[Allenstown EDC Reporter (EDC)] What types of goods and services does your business offer to customers?


Most Popular Product or Service

[EDC] What would you consider to be the most popular product or service that you offer?


Why Allenstown?

[EDC] What was it that helped you decide to locate your business in Allenstown? What was your previous business location?


Community Outreach

[EDC] What community outreach activities have you engaged in or plan to engage in?


Plans for the Near Future

[EDC] What are your business plans for the near future?


Upload the final version to the web.

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