2020 School Warrant Articles
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16 School St.
Allenstown, NH

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Ballot Details 

At the March 10 election, voters face a baker's dozen warrant articles, with most of them dealing with adding tax money to capital reserve trust funds.

The money to be spent on trust funds comes from a slush fund of your unspent tax money for last year. That's why they include the statement that "No amount to be raised from FY2020-21 taxation."

For the complete town and school warrant articles and explanations of each one, read the 24-page Town & School Voter's Guide, linked at the right. The school warrant articles start on page 18.

BE FOREWARNED that the school budget proposal from Feb. 1st and the school warrant section of the Voter's Guide are in error. School warrant articles have been added and rearranged without explanations from the School Board. The only valid list is on the printed school district ballot.


Feel free to take this guide to the voting place.

Article Description Hint Results
Article 1 School Budget = $10,857,796; Default = $10,672,762
Proposed budget adds a $280 tax increase on a $200,000 home compared to last year's $10,445,548 budget. This estimate is based on the March 2 flyer from the School Board which stated that the difference between the proposed and default budgets would cause a $126 tax increase. The supposed 43¢ decrease in the school tax (see Voter's Guide p. 18) is probably because there was a greater increase in state aid than the increase in the school budget. It seems unjustified that school spending increases because state aid increases.

Article 2 Paraprofessional Pay Increases
Proposes a $48,141 increase over three years. No details on percentage increase per year or the number of employees eligible. Should be determined yearly as the Selectmen do with town employees.

Article 3 If Article 2 is defeated, do you authorize a special meeting to explain why you voted NO on Article 2?
Let's have one of these articles after every valid article so they can call a special meeting for every valid article for which you voted NO. Duh!

Article 4 Teacher Pay Increase
Proposes a $215,509 increase over three years. No details on percentage increase per year or the number of employees eligible. Should be determined yearly as the Selectmen do with town employees.

Article 5 If Article 4 is defeated, do you authorize a special meeting to explain why you voted NO on Article 4?
Take this to its logical extreme. Let's have one of these weird articles after every valid article so they can call a special meeting to ask you why you voted NO on the preceding article. Duh!

Article 6 School Renovation / New Building Capital Reserve Fund
Proposes adding $50,000 to a new fund for renovating school buildings or constructing a new one.

Article 7 Discontinue Facilities Acquisition Capital Reserve Fund
Proposes discontinuing this fund and transferring the $5,843.53 balance into the preceding new fund.

Article 8 If article 6 & 7 pass, this proposes putting the $5,843.53 from the above discontinued fund into the School Renovation / New Building Capital Reserve Fund.

Article 9 School Building Maintenance Trust Fund
Proposes adding $50,000 to the fund used to repair or improve the school buildings.

Article 10 Special Education Trust Fund
Proposes adding $50,000 to the fund used to pay for outrageous Special Ed expenses.

Article 11 Technology Replacement Trust Fund
Proposes adding $50,000 to the fund used to purchase electronics like the sinister Google Chromebooks that connect your children to remote apps that Google uses to steal personal information about your children.

Read Investigative Reporter Michelle Malkin's exposés such as "bureaucrats busted open the door to third-party sharing of children's personal data with government agencies, nonprofits, and private educational technology vendors." See Protect Your Kids From Google Predators.

Article 12 High School Tuition Trust Fund
Proposes adding $20,000 to the fund used to cover any end of school year tuition that the town owes to the Pembroke School District.

Article 13 Accepting gifts for the school district
Asks voters to allow the school board to accept any gifts made to the school district. Michael Bloomberg, where are you when we need you?


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